Doubt gallery

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todays sketch

this guy's from crouching tiger, hidden dragon


noch eine von dem.


great work, Doubt :) keep'em coming.

Have a good one!

I like the flow of this one.



You haven't posted in a while but when you do you always come back with some cool stuff. "I Like'em!!!"


Death piper. I like the origional artists version better though.
Thanks Cobster. I should figure out the embedding thing some day.

daily sketch

Here are a couple poses with this fat bird. I'm having faint and fall in a scene that I'm boarding right now, just figuring out how he'll be falling.


Well, The parents in law will have to be posted tommorow. My scanner is too small to scan it without wrecking to edges. Here's a long pose from this evening


Hi Doubt,

You're a busy artist indeed with a range of styles. Wish you'd embed your images in the posts though for easier reading.

Visit my website:

Claire O'

daily sketch

Todays life drawing session and some Studies from "the book of a hundred hands", just got it today, it's rad.

daily, and one for yesterday

Thanks, here are a couple more of those skateboards..
I did these all with spray paint cans and paint pens for the fine lines.
I think if I had an airbrush I'd be way too tempted to do really detailed stuff.
It would be cool to try though. No clear coat but these spray cans over here are not available in the states/canada as far as I know. Danimation, it would be cool to see a caricature of your kid.

Just a couple life drawings from last week


oyyyy, bin a while since I posted. I just don't have the time to scan this stuff right now. Here's a bunch of doodles.
Thanks for the comps!
Jabberwocky, I don't think it's Aristotle But it is a plaster done from an old sculpture. I kept thinking Possiedon when I was doing it..

Thanks Cman!

I'd like to be posting more but I want to keep this personal project off of the net until I have either found financing or not. It's coming along good though and there are still more than a few hours to put in on it.

Back on the train everyday so I should have more to offer here.

Cool bird design! Reminds me of those old school Mega man robots. Kudos

Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007

a few of train sketches..

train yard stuff from my way to work and a drawing of me and wife.

She's taking off to northern india, Tabo (on the border with Tibet"china") for three months to teach english to some poor children. her plane wasn't that cute though.

got out for a bit today and did a couple sketches of a fountain in my neighborhood, enjoy..

couple sketches

just a couple of doodles

here are a couple quick sketches and a few things I copied out of "drawing the male figure" it's a great book.

Another coworker/friend is taking off to work in berlin, a little goodbye present


here's a quick copy of spidey and a link to a 10 second animation that I did for a contest at Fantoche. (An animation festival in switzerland) It's the one called "War" and came in third place.


here are a few sketches from my trip to india..

and a few more, the trip was really hectic. I wish I had some more time to draw the people. I guess a couple months off would have been good.

a few little sketches

seasons greetings

cool beans man

Cool pic man,
I think we all should post a christmas greeting!


Well hi everyone, been a while since I've posted. I've just moved to Bern and I'm just getting set up here.

Here's a couple sketches, just started a new sketchbook.
