When I visited Sony Pictures Imageworks and saw some test scenes from Polar Express last year, I was extremely skeptical. I figured with Tom Hanks and Bob Zemekis attached, there was some hope for the project. But mostly looking at the material, I felt it just didn't work.
Well I don't want to argue, on this post anyway, wheteher they should have even made Polar Express the way they decided to (does anyone remember Final Fantasy, it wasn't just the weak script).
No this post is to point out the obvious poor choice of release date, and the over 200 M+ dollar loss the company will most likely suffer as a result.
I was under the impression Polar Express was going to be released on Thanksgiving weekend. There are no other big 3D animated films being released before Christmas. What was the big rush? Why go up against the Incredibles which had every indication of doing the same business or better than Finding Nemo? So now you have a picture that between production and print and advertising costs over 300 M, that only took in about 25 M opening weekend, and I predict will only make it to 50M by the end of the year.
This is the kind of poor executive decision making and lack of strategy that kills our industry.
I went to see "The Incredibles" on Sunday.
I don't plan on seeing "Polar Express".
I don't think I'm going to buy the dvd either.
I can't wait for "The Incredibles" dvd.
The incredibles is getting so much more positive responses that a friend of mine was able to get a bootlegged copy abandoned on a table in McDonalds. I'll wait until the DVD comes out before I see a legal copy of it. Polar Express, I like Tom Hanks, great actor, but seriously super heros, CG, pixar, nuff said.
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