These are some tests I did yesterday and I thought you all may like to look at them and comment. They are tests for a new web series I'm coming out with. My goal in this one is to actually have movement (as you can see there was not much in my last film).
Ok enough blabbing here it is!
New test reel
New test reel
Hi Spoooze, good to see that you are working hard and pushing yourself to bigger and better things. There is some nice timing going on with the left guy with the ax. I really like that his foot lands first then a frame or two later the ax hits the other ax. Things usually feel beter when the timing is varied up like that. The other guy is pretty stiff though. Looks like you got tired.
The first lip syncing is nice too. Nice mouth shapes. I really like how you locked down the upper teeth so only the lower teeth move. A few things though. When the mouth goes into the "oh" shape, the upper teeth disapear. I think it would look better if the upper teeth were still visable, at least for the first "oh" mouth, then you can lose it on the second possition so it doesn't break up the nice round shape of the mouth. Also, the drawings are lagging behind the audio. If you can, try and keep the same timing of the drawings, but just move them earlier in the time line. Like frame 12 would now become from 10, etc.
The second lip sync was too small for me to see, really, but you should move them forward two frames as well.
Keep at it.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
The synching works fine for me. Maybe I have a weird version of Quicktime that's serendipitously breaking it into being correct.
I agree the mouth shapes work pretty well, certainly the best anim of the test, and I love the lines of dialogue you chose. It's like the "Hello World" for programmers.
Hi spoooze,
your lipsync works for me, it's one thing I haven't yet attempted I'm starting from the beginning with my kids, tried a couple of exercises many, many years ago but no means of animating, lost the drawings hence starting again.
Thank you all for replying to my topic. I hardly ever get replies. Ok, here's what I have to say:
Ok, I'll try and get my characters to move less stiffly. I'm still working on getting some belivability into my characters movements.
All right. I'll remember next time about the teeth.
I'll try and keep the same timing of the drawings. I guess I didn't notice it was off.
Thanks :D
It took me quite a while to get okay at lip syncing. I'm actually still trying to improve now. I dunno why, it may be like this with some of you guys, but I think good lip syncing is an essential part of animation. That's kinda what bothers me about some English dubbed films. If they don't the the mouth shapes right it bothers me a bit. That's why I prefer watching dubbed films in thier origianol language.
Thanks for the critique!
No problem Spoooze! Always happy to help out. I hope I wasn't too harsh with my crit.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
You weren't too harsh :D It's exactly what I needed.
Oh yes, I downloaded the demo version of Flash and was wondering if you could help me out. I can't figure out how to add armatures or bones or whatever they're called. I've figured out basic key animation already.
Spoooze!, as far as I know, Flash doesn't have bones or armatures, but I could be wrong. So if someone knows, feel free to chime in. I don't know all the technical parts of Flash too well. When we work on the show, it's usually pose to pose, and we rotate and scoot the symbols where we need them.
How I usually work is if I need an arm to bend. I grab all the pieces, upper arm, lower arm, and hand. Then move the edit point to the shoulder, and rotate the whole thing. Then I deselect the upper arm, move the edit point to the elbow, and rotate it alittle more. Then deselect the lower arm, and only rotate the hand. That usually works for the whole body. Just work from biggest to smallest.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
Ok, thank you :D