New Website

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New Website

Hi All. Just wanted to take second and share my new website with you.

There are a few glitches on the site; some I know about and probably some that I don't. Let me know if you find any. As always crits, comments, and questions are always welcome.


Hey JChap!

Hello Jared,

Love your sketches!

Wonderful work...keep it coming!

might I reiterate that your style is just *brilliant*. I love it. Nice clean site too.

It's no great shock...

that your stuff rocks!

Lots of great stuff to view!

Two thumbs up!

Splatman :D

Great stuff, Jared! I really like how versatile your style is. Kudos and great job! :)

Visit The PC Weenies Cartoon
"Tech Toons for the rest of us!"

Wow looks great! I dig your illustrations. If I were to change anything, I'd probably just note the requirements for viewing your reel... maybe add a link to download quicktime too.

Nice work!

I have never been a fan of your work...

Teehee!!! Just pulling your chain! You know full well I have always been a big fan of your style, Chappy!

Good on ya. Like the site a lot!

"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon

Thanks everyone!

Larry- Thanks for the kind words. I'll send you an email later this week.

Ryan- You made me blush like a little girl. Thanks for the comments. By the way, how was the Vintonship this summer?

Splat- Thanks man. That means alot coming from the Almighty Hamster himself. ;)

Krishna- Thanks for the comments. I've really enjoyed experimenting with diffrent styles and mediums. Love the PC Weenies, by the way.

Motionmilita- Great suggestion. I never even thought of that! That would be helpful, wouldn't it? Thanks for smoothering the site in niceness... wait, that didn't sound right...

Wade- If I ever make my way up to Canada, I know it'll all end like a scene out of HIGH NOON. You on one end of a dusty street, and myself on the other end. ;) Thanks for kind words. It's been a while since I've spoken with you. How are things going?

Thanks again everyone!