maya autorig

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maya autorig

my maya teacher is always talking about some maya plugin that automatically rigs your character for you. does anybody know what she's talking about and where i can get it? :confused:

acetate assassin's picture Animation and Design
Animation and Design

try this:


AUTORIGÊ v2.02 download

2.02 fix. IK hand control xforms at 0. Note: You may have to run the script twice before it runs without errors.
2.01 Finally fixed a bunch of stuff and added support for 4.5. It's still got problems, but it's a stable rig as far as I've tested it. The biggest issue, in my opinion, is that the feet still need to be rigged straight ahead on 90 degrees.

NOTE: If you get the following error when your run the script...

// Error: Cannot find procedure "jointsAlongD3Curve". //

Then you need to source the script, even if it's in your default maya directory.

UNIX NOTE: IRIX and LINUX users may get errors from a font I'm using. If your savvy enough, you should be able to find the offending line and replace the font with a unix happy font.


-Now just one script. Builds the template dynamically. Throw out all your old files.
-New method of FK/IK mixing. I'll publish an FK/IK switching utility in a bit. This greatly simplifies the switch by matching positions.
-Arm and Leg bones named
-Elbow pole vectors zeroed out
-Organized all stray curves and stuff under one group (don't translate it!)
-Easier to skin spine: No more fk joints, just controls.
-Afraid I lost the multi bone forearm, I just didn't have the time to work up a new setup for it. Use a cluster.
-Translate attrs removed from head, use the neck to translate the head.

David Walden has a great set of tools that are easy to use and have a lot of options.


Department of Computer Animation
Ringling College of Art and Design
Sarasota Florida

Radiant square has a pretty good autorigger called Final Rig. It's free to register at their site and download it so check it out at