Suggestion please? a European animation of a fairy Tale

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Suggestion please? a European animation of a fairy Tale

I'm doing research for an essay. Can anyone suggest any European animations of Fairy tales ? (as opposed to Disney 'snow white', 'cinderella' etc)

I'd be very greatful for any help


goldenwinged's picture
Reeeeeeally wanna change my username :(

Reeeeeeally wanna change my username :(

Well, firstly I think of Yuri Norstein, the Russian animator.

2 of his spring to mind: "The Hedgehog in the Fog" & "Tale of Tales"

I've seen the first and it's a cracking, magical animation - not sure if it really fits into the "fairytale" category though . . . .hmmmm.

Help on the way!

Anything by Wladislav Starevich, beautiful stop motion black and white animation from the beginning of the last century:
There's also Jan Svankmajer, who is very influenced by Starevich and did his very own version on "Alice in Wonderland":
Lotte Reininger, cut out sillouette animator, also from the beginning of the last century:
There's many others but, it is too early in the morning to remember them!

"check it out, you know it makes sense!"

yet another!

here's a better page about Lotte Reininger
And I've just remembered another animator Michel Ocelot...

"check it out, you know it makes sense!"


That will all really help with my research! At the moment I have so much, its gonna be hard to narrow down! I've found in researching the fairy tale there are alot of issues to do with gender, especially in the Disney interpretations. Hopefully that won't take up too much of my essay, i want to enjoy talking about the films in themselves too without getting into too much politics!
Thanks again!

Reeeeeeally wanna change my username :(

you're welcome! If you need any thing else just ask! :)

"check it out, you know it makes sense!"

Some Russian Animation


Try a newish version from, Russia, od Little Red Riding Hood.

Also- lots of Russian animation in the 80's and early 90's for HBO's Shakespeare Animated series.
