Hi guys!
Right im doing this dissertation about western Vs Eastern animation. So im looking for ppl to help me answer some questions.
below is the Qustion:
1) Do you prefer WESTERN ANIMATION (e.g Disney, Pixar, cartoon network) to EASTERN (JAPANESE) ANIMATION (e.g Anime, MANGA, Hayao miyazaki) ? And WHY? 3D or 2D animation
please consider why it appeals to u, and whats better and what you like or dont like about western or eastern animation. Or if you like abit of both please tell type the reasons wat you like and dislike about each one.
2) if possible could you state where you are from and your age plz
Please give your honest opinions.
Why Western vs Eastern animation? What happened to everything else in the middle?
there are loads of amazing animation shorts and features that were and are being made in Europe!
Why are we always forgotten?
"check it out, you know it makes sense!" http://miaumau.blogspot.com/
im aware that there are excellent animations in europe, as I live in europe myself, but for this its only western and eastern :)
then I wouldn't be able to choose... They each have their strenghts and weaknesses.
Now, could you just give me one more detail?
Is it recent work or throughout history?
Because, for example, when I was studying animation I really wanted to do a dissertation comparing animation shorts made both by the Axis countries and the allies during WWII, and at that time the subject and sometimes quality was pretty similar on both sides (with the obvious differences). I never was able to write it because, most of the films and information was either censored, non existent or had disappeared!
So... If you could answer my question? If you don't mind.
"check it out, you know it makes sense!" http://miaumau.blogspot.com/
The first question is too close-ended and leading. There are many of us who just prefer good entertainment no matter from where it comes. There are two types of animation, good and bad, defined by its blend of elelments in its content, not its national origin. Even at that it is highly subjective. Even within the respective categories of Eastern or Western the styles are diverse.
I'm sure the question will bait the polarised anti-anime/ pro-anime factions but as a survey question it presupposes only two types of animation to support your thesis.
I agree with Graphiteman.
I think you can find strengths in both Eastern and Western styles and everything in between (is the Eastern European , "Zagreb style" , and Russian style Eastern or Western? ) .
To show you what a U.S.-centric old-timer I am , when I first read the title of this thread I immediately thought of the differences between East Coast (New York) style like Fleischer and Terrytoons , vs. West Coast Disney, Warners, MGM style .
Top pegger or bottom pegger ? Now there's a question that will really polarize . Although , in fact a lot of West Coast animators outside of Disney's used top pegs well into the 40's and 50's . Some never stopped using top pegs (Ken Harris) . But animating on top pegs lasted longer on the East Coast .
"EustaceScrubb" has left the building
I also think that when you talk about west versus east , you're also , implicitly talking about everything in the middle.
because , by defining camps, you do not just define one and the other, but the context in which they have been created
the two blocks( which does ressemble a cold war it seems!), are super powers of animation that have some qualities pertaining to all areas of animation.
how do you define the east and the west animation??
It is fine if you just prefer good entertainment. im an animator myself and i know many animators who are anti anime and sim ewho enjoy watching anime but still like western animation, i whole point of this is just to get peoples opinions, there is nothing complex about this, its all personal preference and no need for guys to think about all this. all i need is ur honest opinion on japanese animation or western animation, either you like it or not or dont mind, it really isnt that difficult to answer this question, its like asking if you prefer to play pc games or playstation games, you either like one or the other or both and there is always a reason why u like or dislike one or the other e.g. pc games have better graphics ( easy right?!)
so i hope people will just answer this very simple question without thinking too much about it, its not a trick question or anything, infact dont treat it as a essay thing, treat it as if someone was having a conversation with you, this is the whole aim about it, personal opinion, its about ur own views