I am glad to present The Warm Machine, a brand new website on Computer Generated Images and the way they are revolutionizing our visual culture and our approach to the Real.
While providing general information, TWM offers a new perspective on CGI technologies by focusing on final products, their social and cultural impact and specific forms of expression:
Cinema, Visual Effects, Video Games, Visual Arts, Animation, Architecture, Simulation, Music Video, Entertainment and many others.
For this reason TWM bridges a gap in the field of visual computing culture.
But above all TWM is a community:
After an easy and free subscription, everybody will be able to participate in a number of forums and polls, to comment and add news and links, to advertise events, etc.
We believe that your contribution is crucial for the growth of TWM, so please send us your feedback.
I trust that you find The Warm Machine interesting and I hope you keep on following the CGI developments through our unique point of view.
Best Regards,
Ernesto Bracciante - eb@thewarmmachine.net