Been away for a bit, nice to be in the forums again!
I was wandering if anyone knew where I could find the original folk tale on which 'corpse Bride' tim burton, is based. Is it from a collection of tales?
Does anyone know of a book it would be in?
Or a book/good source for Russian folk tales or ones dark in nature?
Thanks very much for any help u can give me!
Reeeeeeally wanna change my username :(
There are several large compilations of Russian Folk Tales available at regular booksellers like Barnes and Nobles. While I was doing research on Russian Folk Tales for a short film I was planning on making, I never came across Corpse Bride in any of my readings. The most common Russian folk tales are those of Baba Yaga, Fenist the Falcon, and the Snowmaiden. I'm going to try to do some more research to see if I can't find Corpse Bride as well.
hehe, another 'burtonite'! I know your game elz...lol
but seriously, i cant wait until charlie's choco factory and corpse come out. burton is a cinematic god, and he gives all us young animators/film makers something to aspire to.
He's awsome.
[p.s: edward scssorhands rules]
Its weird since I didn't get an email saying there was replies to my thread, do we get those anymore, maybe i need to check my settings or seomthing.
Anyway I have orered a book on folktales, we'll see what it has to show.Im trying to find some lesser known, dark tales, ill keep lookin.
Thanks for your help!
Reeeeeeally wanna change my username :(
I'm working on a twisted version of the myth of Persephone and her mother
, Demeter and
it seems to me that one of the early prototypes for a corpse bride might be the Greek goddess, Persephone, who was abducted by Hades,lord of the netherworld, to be his bride.
If you're looking for 'dark' tales, Greek mythology has plenty, some not so well known. Also try Irish or Celtic tales, great sense of humor when dealing with the'macabre'. :)
Thanks Bird!
Yeah you are right about the Persephone thing. I did Classics at Alevel in college, I have plenty of books on myths so ill rumage through them!
The Corpse Bride story, I read was based on this russian folk tale, and its set in a jewish community amongst anti-semitism etc, I think it is one of the lesser known ones so its hard to find.
I thought about the irish and celtic tales, but never enough to do much research on them, but i definittly shall now!!!
Surely there is something wrong when you get more and more attracted to the macarbre!
Oh well!
Reeeeeeally wanna change my username :(
"Surely there is something wrong when you get more and more attracted to the macarbre!"
Hehehe-welllccommmee to the dark side, Goldenwinged....... :eek:
Bird :D