Does anyone know where I can see the Spumco web cartoons "Weekend Pussy Hunt" and "The Goddamn George Liquor Program"?
They used to be on the Spumco website but that's been under construction for ages and it doesn't look like it's going to be fixed any time soon.
Spumco Web Cartoons
Spumco Web Cartoons
Try the "Ask Stupid Questions to John's Dad!" forum.
If you never see them, you're not missing much. Juvenile humor in the extreme.
John K. (IMHO) needs limits imposed on him to do his best work.
I'm going to guess that Stimpson has seen those web series before and likes them.
To each his own...
Actually I've only seen an episode of George Liquor which I kind-of liked. It didn't make me laugh particularly but the animation is incredible - easily the best I've seen on the web.
Another show I've been looking for is David Zuckerman's Meet the Millers. You can watch the first episode free on but you have to pay for the rest which I'd be quite happy to but it won't accept my card for some reason.
So did you join those Yahoo groups and get the cartoons like those people suggested?
I watched those time and time again on (In it's hey-day)!
John K. and crew created the bar for which us lowley humans could only imagine! Freakin' good sheet!
I'm surprised the show hasn't made it to DVD, or has it? I'd buy one!
Splatman :D
SPLAT digital
Spumco used to have a great website, but apparently they ran out of funding and had to take it off. It even had the geat Yogi & Boo-Boo shorts they did for Cartoon Network; those were fantastic. I helped for a very short time optimizing drawings for 'Weekend Pussy Hunt' and those guys never paid any attention to me. But I will say I learned how to ink my drawings from them; one time I dropped off my portfolio back at their old studio and a guy took the time to teach me their nifty inking style. Thanks man, whoever you are.:o
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Cyber, did you ever meet Katie Rice at Spumco? She seems neato.
I'm not sure if she was there when I was; it was back in 2000 when I "interned" there (I don't know if I'd call it that because I didn't interview for it or sign a contract...they just told me to show up). The only guy I ever saw or talked to was Gabe Swarr.
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Not quite what you're looking for, but this might be worth a look.
The Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."