Would love to hear some of "paying your dues" kind of stories or even "secrets to my success". It'd be interesting to hear how the industry has changed over the years as well as learn about the different types of jobs the industry has/had to offer.
Any lessons learned would be helpful - what to avoid or what seemed like a bad thing at one time ended up being a valuable experience.
Any story, any level welcome.
Something funny happened yesterday here at our studio. We have a short called "Pixel Fight" that is actually a short exercise for our alternative techniques class back at school. We were sitting at the animation room and I created the "story" in about 5 seconds, then we shot the whole thing in about a week.
It's our most popular film!! A few weeks ago, some people here invited it to participate in the biggest local festival. We offered them our newest movies, but they didn't care... they wanted Pixel Fight!
Now they told us they've sent it to a festival in Argentina!!!! The damn movie is alive now, it's success is beyond our control!!! HELP!!!!!!!
So what? So what this: you can never judge your own work. Create all you need to create, and leave it to the world to decide whether they like it or not. Don't be like George Lucas, who keeps revamping and refurbishing his movies. Make, release, and let it be!
;) EXCELLENT advice!!!
Sharvonique Studios
Animated By Sharvonique Blog
AWN Showcase Gallery
i liked your experience and this is how i feel...because the way i have experienced something will be unique in itself and thats why the way i'll express...will be different. and its possible only when the creator will be able to express the pure truth honestly. i am trying...
Yep, you cannot judge your own work, or change it to please anybody, be it the critics or even the audience. Since I'm into graphic humour, I have been participating in this national Salon that we have in Cuba every 2 years, but always forgot about it until just before the deadline and ended up sending something it took me a couple of hours to make. Two times in a row I got I got third prizes and was told that was because the work hadn't been elaborated enough. Next time I decided to do things right and really elaborate. And guess what... they didn't even consider it worthy of exhibition.
Everyone I've shown that piece to has told me I just happened to catch the wrong jury that year. This isn't really on animation, or a success story,But it proves the point.
To get back on topic, sort of...
I'd been working in the industry for a few years when I landed my "dream job" with a big name in the animation industry. The problem with dreams is they sometimes turn into nightmares. Such was the case here - incompetent management (more ego than talent or skill) and indifference from the corporate structure led to the organization's implosion.
Ironically, it comprised both some of the best and worst times in my life. I made friends that I've kept and value since then (nearly 10 years ago), and also came as close as I ever have to wanting to actually, physically strangle someone.
Success is the best revenge, though. Having that name on my resume has opened doors and led to opportunities that would have been hard to come by otherwise. No matter how bad something seems at the time, I've found that ultimately it all works out for the best.
Pollyanna mode off... :D