Does anybody among you attend the International Animated Film Festival in Annecy?
Let me know if there is one of your works in the program.
I'll probably be there to have a look since I happen to pass by in those days.
i'm actually going there.
two of our commercials are in the contest.
I'll be there from tuesday on next week..
where will you be staying at??
i've gone and had an incredible time. it's amazing the people you meet just hanging out.
have fun. and scmooze!
well, I started to look for an accommodation very late and all the cheap ones were gone!! I suppose I'll bring a tend or I'll just commute from Lyon where I am staying right now...
I have been to Annecy- a couple of times. I love it! It's the best animation festival in the world!
Great films, great town, great venue- I am jealous- not too jealous- I am at the beach!
web site
[/U] email:
hey .. negun.. i'm staying in lyon also!!
where are you going to be??
I'm actually living in Lyon at the moment!
I can send you my coordinates if you wish.
it'd be nice to have a chat
definitevly ..
tu est francais ou americain??
Je suis Francais.
mon nom, c'est Pascal campion.
je suis de marseille, mais j'habite aux states en ce moment.
Je serai en france dimanche, mais a Annecy seuleument a partir de mardi.
mon numero de telephone chez mes parents , dans le sud, est le
04 42 81 06 34
et a Lyon, je suis chez un ami.. alors, jeprefere t'appeller plutot que de te donner ses coordonees!
donc tu vas rester à Lyon pendant le festival?
Je ne suis ni américain ni français. Mon vrai nom est ivan et je suis italien. Je suis chercheur en physique à l'Ens où je resterai jusqu'a la fin de septembre.
tu peut me contacter au numéro 0472336021 après 9pm et au numéro 0272728439 pendant le jour. je ne serai pas la ce week-end donc c'est probablement mieux de nous nous contacter avant. Si tu me laisse ton numéro de téléphone aux Etats-Unis je puis également t'appeler.
a bientot
Hey .. negun...
heu . tu penses pas qu'on devrait utiliser des emails persos plutot que de squatter awn?
je t'ecris!
For all the others who don't speak french and may think that we are actually overusing the awn forum.. YES.. that is exactly what we've done without really realising this.
Please, accept our apologies!