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I wanted to advertise my latest film which I hope you enjoy.

A holographic dad makes a hiddeous discovery when demanding quality time with his physical son.

Click Here to see FATHER

Let me know what you think in either direction. I love getting nice comments, but I welcome brutal ones if you don't like what you see. Just be considerate when telling me to go fuck myself. I can take it:)


what does it mean?

i just checked out film very, urr, interesting. i like the look of it, the mixture drawn animation and computer stuff works well together, i just did'nt get the story, or maybe i'm just reading far too much in to it. anyway my verdict good not shit keep up the good work, and as i've seen your's why not see mine click http://www.theotherchoice.co.uk/movie.htm
tell me what you think

i just relised how shitty my last post sounded, sorry, i did like your film, really, diffinately worth the half hour it took to download. great idea for a film, there were just a few little points i didn't get like what was the son doing to make his brain explode, other than i liked it. it's a very origenal idea.

Comments welcome:)

Hey John,

Don't feel too confused. After regaining consciousness from making Father, I've shown it around and most everyone doesn't get what happens to the son. To explain, it's supposed to be an embarassing moment for Dad as he catches his son, in a manner, masturbating. But, I tried too hard to steer away from that actual punchline. From the beginning I was playing with the idea that (are you ready for this) the son is "PLAYING WITH HIMSELF". You add that to the video game sound effects and the virtually catatonic expression of joy on a gameplayer's face as he or she focuses on victory, that's what the end result of the Son's head splattering into the next room was all about....like if you were (ahem) jerking off and you reached the climax.

Truthfully, I didn't want to make the blatant sexual reference in this making of this film. I thought too much of the "playing with yourself" expression which in the short time given, I don't think many understood. Thanks for pointing that out though, you're absolutely right. It's a story that's hard to understand, and that's my fault:(

I just finished watching A LONDON TALE. Pretty fn cool. You did a great job setting up the cameras for this 3d piece. Very slick indeed:) Dark as all hell, I feel like all things ended for the father a little too soon. Man, was he too depressed to live or what? I never like telling anyone what they should have in their films, but....I would have liked to know more than dad's personal opinions of the society around him for him to have made the choice to jump off of that bridge. Or....was he accidentally pushed after he realized how beautiful the morning was? If that's the case, then something in the 3d wasn't clear to me. Was that wind? Were those people? Did he slip?

that little confusion aside. I really liked your piece John:) Conceptually visually and really good music and voicework. I hope you enter it into festivals all around:)

Thanks for the crit. Don't feel bad about punches as it seemed you did. If people ask for them, as I did, I expect the brusies...otherwise, how would animators like you and I get any better eh?



Two thumbs up! Nice work!

I also think that the visuals were far better than the storytelling =) but I liked it, the mix of textures and techniques is very interesting.

was he pushed or did he jump?

cool, thaxs for the feedback it's always good to hear, espeacally from someone in another contanent, agh the wonder of internet. it was surposed to be that be he was pushed by wind disperssion from passing the train i've worried thats not clear enough but there's nothing more i could really add to suggest that. as for festivals i'm not such, i'm really scint at the moment and don't which ones to enter in to, i've sent it off to resfest but i'm not to hopeful and i have forms for edinburgh and bristol brief entcounters fest but if you know any others please get in touch.

thanx for expo on your film makes alot of sence now, and it's a quite a funny idea, i like.

se ya