Your Career In Animation Panel

WiCM and co-sponsor ASIFA East are hosting an event featuring David B. Levy and his new book, YOUR CAREER IN ANIMATION: HOW TO SURVIVE AND THRIVE.

Levy will moderate a panel that includes: * Linda Simensky, senior director of children's programming for PBS Kids * Tom Warburton, creator of Cartoon Network's CODENAME: KIDS NEXT DOOR * Elanna Allen, animation designer and creator * Bill Plympton, animator and creator of the Oscar nominated short GUARD DOG * Jackson Publick, creator of Adult Swim's VENTURE BROS.

Topics will include: * Get the most out of school * Network effectively * Keep job skills marketable * Build a portfolio or reel * Cope with unemployment * Learn from on-the-job criticism * Pitch and sell a show of your own or go into business for yourself

Starting at 6:30 pm, the event will take place at NYU Tisch, 721 Broadway, Lower Concourse, Room 006. Admission is $10 for WIA members. For more information, visit

Thursday, June 29, 2006 - 11:00am to 7:00pm
Submission Deadline 
Thursday, June 29, 2006 - 12:00pm
New York