L.A. SIGGRAPH: Maker Night and Science Fair

The Los Angeles Professional Chapter of ACM SIGGRAPH will host a one night event on interactive techniques. "Maker Night" will feature Mark Frauenfelder and Jeff Boynton. Frauefelder of MAKE Magazine and BoingBoing.net will speak on "The Rise and Fall and Ride of Modern Making." Boynton will provide a performance on circuit bending by creating an immersive audio environment honed from his hand crafted electronic instruments built from leftover consumer electronic detritus.

A "Maker Science Fair" will inform and entertain during the Social Hour. Any "Makers" who wish to exhibit their projects at the Science Fair must contact Craig "Xray" Halperin at makers@agentxray.com for full details and booking.

6:30-7:30 p.m. - Social Hour & Science Fair7:30-8:30 - Program8:30 - 9:30 - Meet the Makers

The Writers Boot Camp at Bergamot Station, 2525 Michigan Ave., Bldg. "I" ("eye" not "one"), Santa Monica, California, 90404, USA.

This event is free to LA ACM SIGGRAPH members and $20 for non members. New members who sign up on site and pay the $40 annual membership fee (checks or cash only) do not have to pay the $20. Free parking onsite.

Information: www.bergamotstation.com.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008 - 11:00am to 7:00pm
Submission Deadline 
Tuesday, June 10, 2008 - 12:00pm
Santa Monica