The Jamaica Digital Arts Festival is an inaugural event which seeks to take art to a whole new realm in Jamaica ? one in which persons whose artistic nature has embraced the digital technology, can showcase these digital expressions.
The Festival Objectives:
1. Discover and promote to the public emerging talent in the use of digital technology for artistic expression which includes, inter alia, video, computer graphics, animation, web design, and interactive and non-interactive works.
2. To encourage, promote and support future development of Digital Arts as a viable agent for economic development in Jamaica by enabling the emergence of ?culture technology?
The festival will comprise three aspects:
1. An exhibition of meritorious work-over 2 days2. A series of workshops ? over two days3. An awards ceremony
Festival Submission Categories:
Within the categories will be two classes ? professionals and students/amateurs.
Categories will be as follows:
Short video/film - up to 15 mins duration; may be narrative, dramatic, animation, Long video/film ? 15 mins and over; may be narrative, dramatic, animation. Web design, Digital art ? incorporating 3D art, animation, virtual reality, games etc. Photography and Music
Festival Workshops:
1. Music & Film
2. Film Production on a budget
3. Dramatic vs Documentary Filmmaking
4. Graphics & Animation in major movies
5. IP rights in Creative works
6. Digital Photography