The BSIT 3rd year Exhibition 2005 is a high quality exhibition of work produced by graduating students of the Bachelor of Multimedia Systems. The Exhibition will be open to the Multimedia industry, Secondary school students and the general public.
LocationThe BMW Edge at Federation Square, Melbourne.
Date & TimeTuesday November 15th 2005, 9am-5pm (Industry Night 6.30pm-late).
DetailsBSIT 3rd year Exhibition 2005 aims to:
To achieve these aims, the BSIT 3rd year Exhibition 2005 one-day program, boasts:
Approximately 80 exhibitors, displaying a range of products including 3D game engine design, 3D video, games, educational CD ROM, interactive multimedia, dynamic web applications, database programming, Flash animation and more. The Industry Night is invite only, if you are a member of the Multimedia or Education Industry and wish to attend the night please contact Andrew Owen on 03 9903 1411 or