Autodesk Student Survey for Research

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Autodesk Student Survey for Research


I am doing research for Autodesk, If you have the time to take a quick survey, I would really appreciate it.

We would like to understand how Autodesk might improve the support experience for college students. This survey only takes 5 min, it would greatly help to us understand how we might improve the support we provide students like yourself. 

Also if you have 15-30 minutes  to spare for a 1:1 interview please provide your email address below.

Edited by: rogr1 on 07/12/2019 - 1:47pm
Hi, doing research and

Hi, doing research and writing works based on their results is not a very difficult job, but it requires a lot of time, preparation, and certain skills of the authors of the work. I recommend you the original site where you can study very serious material in a speech about bullying, the topic is relevant and very popular, the question and the problem as a whole has long roots, but we must influence this and make our own contribution and changes, start from yourself, help or tell others, do your research or study a specific situation in more detail, good luck!

Thanks. News to me and this

Thanks. News to me and this is helpful.

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