I am new to AWN so I'm not sure if this is the correct forum for my question. I published a children's book several years ago which is perfect for an animated short. I need collaborators / joint venturers since I cannot produce this myself as I know nothing about this industry. It is a Christmas story and was illustrated in "animation" style. Kids ask me when I will make it into a movie, so I am exploring this option. If you are an independent studio looking for a wonderful, inspiring story and well developed characters, please contact me. Thank you!
Hey Letty, is there a link to
Hey Letty, is there a link to your books you could share?
Thank you,
Hi, Charlie -- I do not have
Hi, Charlie -- I do not have a link as the book was published about 10 years ago. But I am happy to mail you a copy if that would work for you.
Thank you!
Hey Letty,
Hey Letty,
I work for an animation studio and we're currently creating an animated series for a children's book author so this is definitely in our wheelhouse!
Would love to walk you through the process :)
Can I mail you a copy of the
Can I mail you a copy of the book? It is self-published and I do not have a digital copy, although I could scan to pdf if that's easier for you. I have sold it at book fairs, festivals, summer library events, and a local bookstore. Kids say it would make a great cartoon. I worked with a producer numerous years ago but children's animation wasn't wasn't really her niche. I've had this on the back burner for awhile due to job and child-rearing, and would love to see what you could do with it! I do own all rights to the illustrations, characters and story so there are no hindrances to development. Thank you!
Hi, Josh -- here is a link to
Hi, Josh -- here is a link to The Christmas Socks. Please let me know what you think!
Hi i'm interested :) contact
Hi i'm interested :) contact me if you like my work
Actually i create 2D anmation that i learnt my self at home, now, i'd love to learn 3D even if i find it so difficult
My 2D animation in : Children's Tv Funny
Hi! Please see my comment to
Hi! Please see my comment to Josh. I am happy to mail you a copy of the book or send a pdf. Thank you very much!
I also have two other books
I also have two other books that are picture books (in rhyme) for young children...these seem to be good for the type of animation you are doing. One is about dealing with scary things at night and the other is about nature and our surroundings. Again, I own all rights and illustrations so there are no hindrances to development. After looking at your link I think you could do something with these as they are "learning" books. The one about nature is so that young children can view it as a living part of their world. and of course the other one is a universal theme -- every kid is scared of imaginary things at night! I don't have a link but I can send you a pdf scan of each book if that would work for you. Thank you very much!
Hey! If you're looking for
Hey! If you're looking for voice overs for the characters feel free to contact me! I work for a children's book company and have been doing voice overs for them for over three years now. I've also voiced characters for book trailers for publishers like Candlewick, HarperCollins and Macmillan Kids!
Here's my email if you are interested:
Thank you!
Thank you!
Hey letty,
Hey letty,
Im from an aniamtion studios, currently we are working on web series for childrens. If you are still looking for share your work . Please contact me.
here is my sample link.
Here is a link to my book.
Here is a link to my book. Let me know if this story would work for you!
Hi there,
Hi Letty,
Sorry for the late reply, The above link is not working, If your still providing the work please contact me through mail. and let me know about your project details
Please contact me here : studiosianimation@gmail.com
Hi! Sorry the link didn't
Hi! Sorry the link didn't work. I emailed it to the address you provided, along with a synopsis. Please let me know if you do not receive it. Here is the link again. Thank you for your interest!
I also have two other children's picture books, one about nature, and the other about how to deal with scary things at night. They are much shorter than the Christmas Sock and would be easier to turn into an animated short. I am happy to send a synopsis and link for each.
Hi letty,
Hi letty,
i received your mail. Please see my reply. Please provide time line of the project. We are ready to do this work. Please ping me inthe mail.
contact me
mobile +919100036755
mail: studiosianimation@gmail.com
I can help you I've created
I can help you I've created many pilots and feature films!
Unicorn and the Lion Film intro:
80's Show Teaser Trailer:
Additional Children's Feature Film Pilot Animation:
I sent an email today (May 27
I sent an email today (May 27) to the email address above. Thank you very much for your interest!
Also, here is the link to The
Also, here is the link to The Christmas Socks. Thank you for your interest!
Hi Letty,
Hi Letty,
If your book is still available for development into an animated short, I would be interested.
If so, Plese send me a copy.
Alex, I am very happy to mail
Alex, I am very happy to mail you a copy. Please send your address. I don't have a digital copy or link although I need to do that since that seems the typical mode of sharing books, ideas, videos, etc. If that's what you need, please let me know. Sorry for the late reply!
Yes, it is still available.
Yes, it is still available. Here is a link:
Let me know if you are interested!