Hello everyone! So far I'm getting great information from everyone on this forum, thanks a million.
I've always wondered how people pitch an original idea to a studio if they don't work there. Do you just call up the studio and say," I have this brilliant idea for a cartoon/movie!"?
Even if you make an appointment with them, what do you exactly bring? Storyboards/character designs?
tough to have an idea
If you wish to pitch a creative idea to a studio, you will need a lot of luck. Big studios are not interested in "outside" ideas. They have their own story departments to come up with ideas. Even if your idea is a real gem or much better than their ideas, it simply is not worth it to them unless you sign your life away BEFORE you tell them the idea. It works like this. They do not wish to share profits with you unless you are a best selling author or have a strong track record. If your name carries weight with the public and can help sell tickets, then the door is open. If you are simply a creative"no-name" genius, they don't want to hear anything because of this. Lets say you explain your story and they like it, that means thay have to spend lots of money and years of time and multitudes of people to make your story. Why do this if they can use their own story people. If they DO NOT like your story and send you away empty-handed, they take an even bigger risk. Lets say you pitched a story to them and they said NO and 6 years later they release a movie that had a black chicken in it. You say"Hey my story had a black chicken in it too. They must have copied me!" Or let's say forget the chicken, your storyline was remotely close to their story. Again, they cannot take the chance of listening to your story because if it is remotly the same as something they create, you would have grounds for a lawsuit. For this reason, studios do not have the luxury of listening to other peoples ideas. Long answer to a short question. I've been there and now know both sides of this fence.
Hi Archan, Studios take show pitches all the time. They actually have departments who's job it is to listen to show pitches. What you should do is call the studio's that you'd like to pitch your idea's to, introduce yourself to the receptionist, let him/her know that you'd like to pitch an idea for a show, and who would you contact about this. They'll usually transfer you to the department. When you talk to them, ask what their guidelines are, what they would like to see, and how long of a presentation they are looking for. They don't want to waste you're time just as they don't want to waste theirs, so they usually will tell you everything they want to see. Remeber, they are busy people and are always in and out of meetings and listening to other story pitches from other artists, so if you get their voice mail, leave a clear message of who you are, that you would like to pitch a show, and would like information on their format.
Sure, if you have several hit show's under your belt, you'll get to see them much sooner, but take story ideas from non-superstars all the time.
If they like your idea, they tell you what they like and what they think you should work on and encourage you to make those changes and re-pitch it to them. If they don't like it, or are developing a similar property, they will tell you. This will go back and forth for a while untill you have some thing that they really really like, and will then work with you on developing and animatic or a pilot. Just don't expect them to tell you that you are brilliant, and cut you a check on the spot. It might happen, but I'm betting it won't.
Remember the saying, if you have an idea, 10 people have already had the same idea, 3 people are working on it, and 1 person has already done it.
Good luck Archan.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
Wow, thanks guys! I have a much better understanding of pitching now.
More thoughts...
Pitching is a major art unto itself. That's why producers can be a necessary evil. It's hard to create and then go out and insist everyone love and listen to you.
If you've got a killer idea and especially a killer character, it's a good idea to make a presentation portfolio of individual images, as well as actually make up mock-ups of merchandising ideas like dolls, toys, children's books whatever.
The earlier comment about lawsuits is spot on. That's why everyone gets an agent. Many folks won't see your script/manuscript without it being an agent submission.
There are funny stories of people making up their own managing or agenting business in order to submit.
And you're better off if "there are a thousand more ideas where that came from," because the Ape was right about ideas and other people already producing them. Because once someone in the biz is interested and for whatever reason your idea doesn't get interest, then you've got another one right there.
So I'd make mock ups of my idea, do a short if you can, and research agents first. Or even producers, if there's a producer who's already into work similar to yours. And read books on pitching. Everyone has the attention span of a gnat (you will too, soon enough), and so you've got to be short and fascinating!
Also, consider books first as a way in. Gift books, children's books, adult novelty books, whatever. Hang out at the bookstore and do research and read the acknowledgement pages to see who's thanking which editor at which house and which agent so you can focus your search for help.
Best of luck!
i dont know how old you are or how prepared. but get an agent. some people wont even speak to u without one while some others will take an open pitch. but really an agent will def get u through the initial meeting anyway.
"How do you pitch an idea to a studio? "
I will be pitching to Frederator within the month, and I expect the answer to this will be "with white knuckles."
Congratulations! Good luck, SpaceGhost2K!
Sharvonique Studios
Animated By Sharvonique Blog
AWN Showcase Gallery
Thanks. I'm jazzed beyond words.
I've told the story before, but I have reasons to want my property at Nickelodeon. Trouble is, Nick won't accept submissions unless they come from an entertainment attorney or agent. I have neither. Frederator, however, is accepting pitches for seven-minute cartoons for their "Oh Yeah! Cartoons" show and no agent or attorney is needed. 39 cartoons will be selected. Only 7 have been announced so far, although others have been pitched and are seemingly in various stages of revision (they show pitch sketches from some of them on occasion - one of them came from Bill Plympton, yipes!). Even if there's 13 other potential shows currently being "tweaked", that still leaves half of the slots open.
I'm hoping beyond hope that I get one of them. Jabberwocky (Christof Siemens) is doing my artwork for me. In exchange, I'm going to share with Frederator (and Nickelodeon, if I can) some of Jab's own project materials.
So far the cartoons picked up include:
Two identical twin boys
A dragon and a bat team
A Viking and friends
A cow pirate and crew
A cow and elephant team
A boy and his monster (at least, as far as I can tell)
And a seventh that MIGHT be about a snail (no info yet).
Mine might include a boy, a girl, a superhero, a Wolverine joke, Britney Spears, an evil exterminator, a mystery announcer, a bazillion bugs, MC Hammer, insectoid henchmen, Boy George, a transforming jetpack, underwear, Simply Irresistable, cellphones, high voltage electricity, an All Your Bass Are Belong To Us joke (sp. correct), cartoon violence, bad puns, aerial acrobatics, a cleverly disguised joke for the folks, a song by Everybodyduck and maybe even more.
Still trying to get farts, boogers and romance into it, but I'm already at 6:54:00. Any suggestions for a six-second scene that includes farts, boogers and romance, PM me. Oh, and I could probably benefit from a cow. And maybe skateboards. So, I need cows, skateboards, farts, boogers and romance. In exchange for a writing credit.
I couldn't resist. I sent you a PM.
Sharvonique Studios
Animated By Sharvonique Blog
AWN Showcase Gallery
And a funny one it was. If you'll let me, I can put it up here, or you can if you want.
Here's my 6-second scene idea for SpaceGhost2K's cartoon. I didn't realize he was being sarcastic, but I still had fun coming up with the idea :p :
Picture a boy cow on a skateboard and a girl cow standing by a fence. The boy cow looks at the girl cow, but he only sees the back of her. The camera shows the girl cow from the front and she's picking her nose. You also see the boy cow standing behind her with hearts flying around him. Since he's in love, romance music starts to play. As he starts to roll towards her on his skateboard, she flicks this gigantic cow booger behind her in slow motion. The gross looking booger lands on the ground with a SPLAT. Cut to a shot of the bogger on the ground and you see the skateboard roll over and slip on the booger. The boy cow and his skateboard flip into the air. He lands on his back with a THUD. The skateboard follows and lands on his stomach, causing him to let out a huge fart. The girl cow turns to look at him on the ground, and she has a disgusted look on her face. But then she smells his fart fumes and falls in love.
Sharvonique Studios
Animated By Sharvonique Blog
AWN Showcase Gallery
He he . pretty wierd. According to me, bulls would suit better than a cow ;)
"Bullfights aren't funny. Don't make any cartoons with bullfights in 'em." - Eddie Seltzer.
Ooopps! I wasn't paying attention. That puts a whole new spin on it!
Sharvonique Studios
Animated By Sharvonique Blog
AWN Showcase Gallery
Iam a baby In 3ds max,Iwant to pursue In lighting & camera, I ne
Hello the name is Joey.and i would like you to contact me at my email joeyarmas5@gmail.com whenever you get this message.this is reguarding the comment you made on http://www.awn.com/ and i would just like to ask more questions related to the comment. thank you.
Hey everyone. I'm still not
Hey everyone. I'm still not sure how to set up a meeting. If an agent wont take you on because you're not well known, and a network won't let you pitch your ideas without an agent... how does one even acomplish anything. I have an amazing idea for a full on series, plans for toys and merch, my own art style going with some pretty class voice acting, realistic in depth back stories for each cahracter... but no idea where to start making a name for myself. I dont really want to release anything to do with my series on my own because I want it to be profesional, with great effects and really well done, consistant art. I realize I might be coming accross as way too ambitious, but I believe it's an insane idea and I know it could be huge with the right team. Im pretty good at getting my ideas across and feel I would give a great pitch if I had the chance. Does anyone have any thoughts or guidance besides whats been given? Would really apriciate it!
Hey Daniel!
Hey Daniel!
Dion't be discouraged. There is a network looking for pitches any time! Frederator Studios! You can submit your pitch book there. Send them a mail first that you're interested and they'll send you the pitching guidelines. Also, I advise you to focus more on the series' plot, culture and etc. at the moment; don't mind the toys and merch yet, because nobody will buy them if it weren't for the series, right? ;) Here's a link: http://frederatorstudios.com/pitch/
Hey Guy's, I'm a animation
Hey guy's I'm a animation film maker from South Florida. I have a new photo realistic film on kickstarter I was hoping you'd be interested in, if so.. Please check out my Kickstarter Project. If your interested please help bring this film to life by Backing it on Kickstarter.
Thanks so much.
Kind Regards
Antwon Odoms
New Animation Film by Antwon
New Animation Film by Antwon Odoms
Hey guy's I'm a animation film maker from South Florida. I have a new photo realistic film on kickstarter I was hoping you'd be interested in, if so.. Please check out my Kickstarter Project. If your interested please help bring this film to life by Backing it on Kickstarter.
Thanks so much.
Kind Regards
Antwon Odoms