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Back in town


I'm not exactly NEW here, but I've been away for so long that most people probably don't know, or don't remember me!

My name is Daniel Poeira, I'm an animation teacher at the School of Fine Arts at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. As a substitute teacher I keep jumping from course to course, but mostly I work with production and help the students finish their movies. My main interests as a researcher are production design, sound, and digital animation, specially mixing up softwares to see what comes out.

It's good to be back. I learned a lot of things here back when I was doing my master's course, and I'm delighted to see some old faces still hanging around here... :rolleyes:

flashfango's picture
Submitted by flashfango on

:)Welcome back to the forum, i'm very glad to meet you, and i think your work is very wonderful, i like it! I'm looking forward to sharing your interesting things with us!

HanaImakura's picture

I'm not exactly NEW here, but I've been away for so long that most people probably don't know, or don't remember me!

My name is Daniel Poeira, I'm an animation teacher at the School of Fine Arts at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. As a substitute teacher I keep jumping from course to course, but mostly I work with production and help the students finish their movies. My main interests as a researcher are production design, sound, and digital animation, specially mixing up softwares to see what comes out.

It's good to be back. I learned a lot of things here back when I was doing my master's course, and I'm delighted to see some old faces still hanging around here... :rolleyes:

Welcome back! I just joined not too long ago today. I wish we had animation classes at the college I'm about to be going to. I live in southern Texas and the closest colleges are Del Mar and Texas A&M University. I was going to try to get into Del Mar, but I was discouraged by a friend of mine because she said that they don't transfer credits well. So, I got accepted by Texas A&M for my two year core classes. But Del Mar is the Arts school and they have stuff for computers and cartooning on top of being the only school around here that teaches my favorite language- Japanese. I may go there during the summer of next year for at least the language. I've taught myself a tiny bit of it, but only enough to say hello, goodbye, thats cute, how are you, etc. Basic stuff. Anyway, welcome back again!

I pledge allegiance to the Princess Celestia
Of the united kingdom of Equestria
And to the Pony-Public for which it stands,
One pasture under Derpy Hooves,
Always dependable, with Elements Of Harmony
And muffins for all!

Fadasquibia's picture

Welcome back Terry , post away Smells like someones been talking out their ass around here

cisisfif's picture
Submitted by cisisfif on

1988, beat the United States, former Soviet Union; in 1990, defeating the United States of the former Yugoslavia; 2000 U.S. pressing in desperate inherited the former Soviet Union descent Lithuania; 2002, they have lost to Argentina and Yugoslavia; 2004 United States Argentina eliminated; 2006, the U.S. lost to Greece - in addition to Argentina, the old rival of the United States, the Balkans (Yugoslavia), Greece and the former Soviet Union, are partial to the Eastern Europe team. After all, the United States, the genius Fairview Romantic and Uncontrolled Fenfei team, and less fear, 2004, the heyday of Argentina eliminated over the question. But the former Yugoslavia and Russia, which they encounter in Eastern Europe team will, those thick, one-third of God quasi pick and roll branching off the inside as thick as a brick wall, grinding half-court offense and defense have the patience to work with you to fight inside the polar bear (2006 Greece can also be counted). As cavalry afraid siege cheetah nervous for elephants.
This year, Serbia, Turkey, Greece, who did not to the representative of Eastern Europe, the strength of character, that is, Russia and Lithuania.
Their teams can discharge huge insider group, yet delicate ball under the wind in the former Eastern European system. Old characteristics of the Eastern European basketball is that the former Soviet Union to the Balkans, are bizarre comprehensive. For example, Kukoc 211 cm was able to in Europe, the hot topic five locations; Kirilenko 206 cm was able to anti over five locations; Sabonis, Vlade Divac, as long people center, there are single-handedly shame to kill the guard passing and long shots. Under the subdivision, Russia and Lithuania and different.