"The Secret of Kells" nominee for "Best animated Feature" at the Oscars

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"The Secret of Kells" nominee for "Best animated Feature" at the Oscars

"The Secret of Kells" nominee for "Best animated Feature" at the Oscars.

The list for the "Best animated Feature" is

Coraline — Laika
Fantastic Mr. Fox — 20th Century Fox
The Princess and the Frog — Walt Disney Animation Studios
The Secret of Kells — Cartoon Saloon
Up — Pixar Animation Studios

Check out the directors blog (with pictures) here:


You may also want to read a bit more here:


Oh... and see if you can spot Toom Moore on this picture from the Oscar Nominees Luncheon without cheating :-)



Hans-Christian Jehg's picture

HoBSoft Automated animation workflow for feature and tv-series

HoBSoft Automated animation workflow for feature and tv-series

I see that your production management software, HoBSoft , got a nice mention in this recent article from Variety :


"But today's 2D animators don't need the deep pockets of a major studio to benefit from digital developments. At Ireland's Cartoon Saloon, headquarters for "The Secret of Kells," director Tomm Moore used affordable off-the-shelf software to create his Oscar nominee. Wrangling the work of 200 artists spread over five countries might have been impossible without the production management system called Hobosoft, he observes. "It's a great way for teams that are not all under one roof to coordinate with the supervisors and the director."

The Cartoon Saloon team is using Cintiq tablets and the French software
TVPaint on its next production, the 2D "Song of the Sea."
"I am very happy with how close to paper and pencil we can make our animation," says Moore, who will again collaborate with artists in several countries. "It's a very efficient way for small studios with limited budgets to create full hand-drawn animation in a multisite way."


Thank you for bringing that to my attention. I wasn't aware of the mention in Variety.

Hans-Chr. Jehg

HoBSoft Automated animation workflow for feature and tv-series

HoBSoft Automated animation workflow for feature and tv-series