My name is Wes Abrams. I am the creator of site ToonLifeOnline, which features ToonTube and ToonArtist. I love animation. I don't have any real experience with it though. My wife bought me the program Anime Studio last year for Christmas. I did the tutorials that came with it and that's how I do all my animations. Anyway here is my Animation Gallery.
I would love to hear any feedback. I've been working on my site so much lately that I haven't had a whole lot of time to work on them. Adventures of Stickman: Episode 5 is my newest one. I actually did the whole thing yesterday after getting some requests to see another episode. Also I just want to say thanks to everyone who has posted an animation at ToonTube.
Wes Abrams
If you are interested in advancing your animation skills, there a number of books that will help. It is great that you have been working hard at animation and some of your stuff is interesting.
I am on dial-up so view your work is a little tough.
What books would you recommend? I'm also interested in 3D animation. Any advice on how to start there?
Toon Life Studios
Share Animations at ToonTube, Free 3d Models and Textures