Guidance In VFX and Dynamics(The Elusive Thing)

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Guidance In VFX and Dynamics(The Elusive Thing)

[FONT=Palatino Linotype]Hi every1! Its good to be back almost after a year to find out things haven't changed here. Thanks to virtualciti's postive guidance I'm now doing animation.Can Anyone help Me find out what r the best courses to take up if i'm specilizing in Dynamics and special effects. What is the scope for this field.What softwares should I be aquainted with?[/FONT]

HEEEEELLLLPPPPPP!!!!! Any1 able to help me or not?:confused:

If you are looking for DVDs to buy these guys have a good library of that kind of stuff:

They also have online classes if I'm not mistaken.


Department of Computer Animation
Ringling College of Art and Design
Sarasota Florida

Thanx a million but i need something apart from tht stuff.Firstly I can't really afford tht and secondly to download each 1 my connection will not support it coz it's quite slow. So any other thing any1 can suggest will b of gr8 help

unfortunately, learning cg stuff does tend to get pretty pricey. The gnomon dvds are great learning tools though, and it's a good start if you want to get an idea of how it's like. There's also digital tutors. I don't know alot about visual effects, but I found a visual effects course online a while back. I haven't taken it, but it looks pretty cool: