50mb quicktime for Disney application

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50mb quicktime for Disney application

Hi guys. :cool: I'm trying to generate a quicktime of my demo to send in to Disney Animation. Here are their guidelines for quicktimes:

"Quicktime movies may be submitted by upload, CD, or DVD provided they adhere to the following desired format: DVD/video res (720x480 or 640x480), Apple Sorenson codec with a ".mov" extension, and must be under 50mb. This format may require Quicktime Pro or other video editing software for execution."

The actual website is here: http://corporate.disney.go.com/careers/pdfs/application.pdf

I don't have Quicktime Pro but I do have AfterEffects 4.0. However, when I generate a quicktime with the above parameters at 640x480, the smallest file size I can generate is 255mb. Is there any way to generate a quicktime under 50 mb using AfterEffects 4.0?:confused:

Any help at all with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.

How long is your demo reel?

3min 20 seconds

Thanks for the reply. It's 3 minutes 20 seconds.

And you want to upload it, rather than send it on DVD? (sorry for the many short questions...)

It's cool. I don't mind the short questions. Disney give us a choice of upload, CD or DVD. I'm going to try to upload.

you cheap-skate

buy quicktime pro and do it properly

afterall...the investment in minute if you get a job at disney


for more movies and downloads

the fastest polygon in the west!


Ya man. I think you're right. Thanks for the advice.

Are you sure Quick Time Pro will reduce your file size? Perhaps you have to consider your work ethic. Software can't always make ill concieved projects right.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.