Your Favorite CURRENT Animated Commercials

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Your Favorite CURRENT Animated Commercials


Animated commercials are always a hotbed for new techniques and classic approaches to the artform.

I was interested to know which CURRENT animated commercials are your favorites...based on the use of the artform, concept, design, direction and quality of animation.

I will start by throwing out the new Hilton Hotel commercials - their look has the Michael Dudok DeWit stamp all over them....the commercial begin with a line and the character metamorphosizes from there.


Larry L.'s picture
Larry web site http://tooninst[URL=] [/URL]blog: [U] [/U] email:
United and Audi

Keep your eye on United Airlines. Several good animated commercials lately (hand-drawn and paper-cut out). The best is still "Dragon" I just saw a reel of all their recent commercials and I think there's more to come.

ALSO Audi A8 "Rhythm of Lines" is very cool 3d designed animation.

Cheers Larry.

Keep your eye on United Airlines. Several good animated commercials lately (hand-drawn and paper-cut out). The best is still "Dragon" I just saw a reel of all their recent commercials and I think there's more to come.

Yes, those United Spots (especially "Dragon") are great .

I like the one directed and animated by Alexander Petrov as well as Petrov's other commercial spots done for Pascal Blaise Animation in Montreal.

Alexander Petrov "ROSE" for United Airlines.

Alexander Petrov "COCA COLA" Sundbloom ad .

Sylvain Chomet's spot for Winterhur Insurance was nice.

Sylvain Chomet "Winterhur : Today " ad .

I also liked the animation in the current Red Bull spot "Dogs" . (not sure who directed or animated it )
Red Bull "Dogs"[/URL][/B] ad.

"EustaceScrubb" has left the building

Gotta go with the eSurance ads, which I think were done by Wild Brain.

Classically animated Mini-wheats one with the go-go dancers and mod 60s back-up.

eSurance is Wild Brain and GhostBot.

The Vongo Commercial


I saw a Vongo commercial tonight- the one with the guy up late working and the robot/monsters made of thrown- away paper come to life out of the waste bin- very well down.


The dancing Mr. Peanut ads. I just love to watch the movement in them.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

Interesting article on advertising icons and what you can't and can do with them:

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

Classically animated Mini-wheats one with the go-go dancers and mod 60s back-up.

Classically animated Mini-wheats one with the go-go dancers and mod 60s back-up.

Yea, I like those too, the "Hawaiian" one is fun too--seeing that one alot.

The E-Surance ads beat 'em though---really lovely styling and very good use of Flash.

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)