actual animation on demo reel

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actual animation on demo reel

Hi guys! I hope all is well on your end. I'm preparing a demo reel to apply for 3D feature character animation. My demo will be 3 minutes long. It will include 3D animation, 2D animation and artwork stills.

How much of that 3 minutes should be actual 3D character animation?

I'm thinking of including the bare minimum of 3D animation so that it will be easier to tweak the hell out of it. Much thanks for any help.


It doesn't matter how much is in your demo as long as it is your BEST animation. It's much better to have a 30 second demo of your best work than 30 seconds of your best work surrounded by two and a half minutes of average animation.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."


Thanks Animated Ape for the feedback. It's a big help. So people get hired based on only 30 seconds of animation? That doesn't seem like a lot. I thought recruiters would need at least 60 seconds.

another question..

I should've asked this earlier as well. I've worked on on a tv series where all of the walk cycles were pre-done, and they weren't pre-done by me. I simply inserted it into my animation were needed, and blended it into my own animation. That is what all the animators were instructed to do.

For my demo, is it a good idea to redo the walk cycles so that I can say that I've done all the animation? Or should I just mention it in the "content's page" that I was able to integrate existing animation?

Thanks again!

I'd just list that the walks were animated by someone else on the shot list. This is common in productions, so it's normal to see.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

Ok, thanks again for the input!