Hey, I've been doing most of my exersizes on a homemade flourescent light, cardboard box w/ glass, but have been considering an actual desk. I had problems finding any kind of selection online, most sites having only one, dubious, kind of desk. Do most of you guys make yours, carpentry and all? Or, is there a better retailer that I missed? Thanks.
Thanks for the help again Eustace. They look like the best tables I've seen yet! Guess it's time to root through the couch for quarters...
Would they happen to have any animation desks also, or just light tables?
To the extent of my knowledge an animation desk is, essentially, a light table. Are you thinking of an angle-adjustable table with the circular lightbox and peg bars built in? because that's what they're selling. The light table I think you're thinking of is one of those big art-room tables whose whole surface is clear plastic for tracing? That's not what they're selling.
Find a good quality student drafting desk, cut out a hole that accomodates your disc (or glass, if you don't have a disc), and throw a light behind it.
The one you make will be cheaper than the ones you'll find online (and I agree with your description of them), and with some thought before you fire up the saw you can set it up just how you like it. I've literally done a dozen or so like this, and they work just fine.
The company (Cecropia Inc. , http://www.cecropia.com) is selling animation tables, with backlight units, and animation discs. Also selling some side table units and scene stackers. Ideally if you live within driving distance of Orlando, FL you'd pick these up cheap. Shipping costs may make them more expensive , but still much less than you'd pay for full price new .
The desks are the same model shown at Cartoon Colour Co.
The discs are two different models. One style is the solid plexiglass disc with inset plastic peg bar or taped down thin metal peg bar, as shown here:
The other style available is wooden disc with plexiglass window, and sliding metal pan peg bars, made by Alan Gordon Enterprises:
Update , Jan. 24 , 2007 : Sale has now ended. There are no more light tables or other equipment available from Cecropia.
"EustaceScrubb" has left the building
Sent you a PM. I know an animation studio that is selling a lot of their light tables and animation discs. Very reasonable prices , even if you have to ship . Let me know if you are still looking to buy a light table and/or disc and I'll put you in touch with the person in charge of the sale.
"EustaceScrubb" has left the building