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Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday

come and take a look at We are currently looking for individual/team of animation creators/lovers to bring our/your projects into reality.
yesthisismyday has found a solid biz plan with works (c), patent pending. We have a map of where we want to go and now we want to know who is willing to go with us.
We know there r investors and animation studio out there, this is a great/ right team to come together.
Feedbacks are welcome! We love to hear from you!

yesthisismymusic's picture
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday

Animated Ape's picture

No worries. Just letting you know. :)

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

yesthisismymusic's picture

I did everything from a to z, used some of my friend's shots for the ads but had my touch in them as well.

the fact is : I'm a full time student, I do selling part time and full time during the summer (12 hrs a day, car selling) I had my first biz opened a year later after getting to the U.S.
I went to boarding school, been living and taking care of myself since then.
Now, I dont care who spacefighter is, let assume u can draw better than me. But, I will live a productive life. Your life is nothing compare to mine and so your words.

Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday

yesthisismymusic's picture

thanks, I think I have enough respect. however, I also think u r right, perhaps it's not for u. thanks for looking anyway

Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday

b'ini's picture
Submitted by b'ini on

Hey! I like this guy. This one has some depth. I love the warm color around his greyish face and the smudged line work. So much better without a fake smile.

I know the cirlce hands and feet are your trademark, but perhaps experiment with a different approach. I think that might take your drawing to another level

b'ini's picture
Submitted by b'ini on

Keep going! The last 2 drawings are quite the departure and the last one has a lot of energy. I think what you're doing is the only way to learn - nose to the grindstone and draw your ass off.

If you go to any retrospective of any artist, you'll see changes along the way, sometimes major, sometimes minor, some successful, some not.

I think you're challenging yourself here -- keep going.

yesthisismymusic's picture

my bad, I apologize for my arrogant. It's not wise to say that.

Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday

yesthisismymusic's picture

thanks b'ini

not so long ago, I was happy and proud of myself for producing such amazing work like this:

"do not copy without permission" that was what I wrote.
as an organic living entity, I grow with time and things that I pay attention to, they do grow faster in a variety of ways that sometimes I'm not even aware of.

I know I'm lacking access to professional equipment, schooling etc. But to dig in to those thinking probably not gonna help. I just have to roll with whatever I can think of, regardless how silly and ineffectively they looked.

I'm not naive enough to think that I've achieved great things to earn respect. I dont post my work everywhere to looking for a quick way to fame. Man, all I hope is just to be able to tell myself, "hey man, u've put time into this, dont quit!, give them some time"

I'm sure there was time when we look into s.o's work and tell ourselves, "that's it, I will never be able to draw like him or her." That's when I adopt the baby way of looking at the world.

I'm writing this for people who need some inspiration to take an extra step to go anywhere you like. I cant give you an example of a gifted artist with great skill but at least, I hope u can have a gallon of extra fuel with no cost from me. Please be happy with it cuz I'm not gonna ask for anything in return. :D

Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday

rahularavind's picture

I have a team of 2D animators.. Let us discuss in mail.

come and take a look at We are currently looking for individual/team of animation creators/lovers to bring our/your projects into reality.
yesthisismyday has found a solid biz plan with works (c), patent pending. We have a map of where we want to go and now we want to know who is willing to go with us.
We know there r investors and animation studio out there, this is a great/ right team to come together.
Feedbacks are welcome! We love to hear from you!

Rahul Aravind

yesthisismymusic's picture

more than 100 plus wallpapers r available to download free of charge at the site. What you see is just a tiny piece of the project. If you are interested to know more about what is going on, plz feel free to contact Tony at ( Plz do not contact if you are not serious)
thank you for looking and we hope you like our characters.

Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday

yesthisismymusic's picture

new versions:

between the #2 and #3, plz tell me which one is your favorite ?

Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday

yesthisismymusic's picture

i have a couple of new characters ,please take a look! it's ok not to say anything but i really love to hear some honest and constructive comments

Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday

yesthisismymusic's picture

my favorite so far, the idea is so cute n' adorable, can't believe myself

Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday

JerryK's picture
Submitted by JerryK on

The style looks overly simplified to me. Maybe this is a variant on the "hello kitty" stuff?

yesthisismymusic's picture

does it really have hello kitty's style?

Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

I guess you are talking to yourself. I guess you see marketability to your idea. What I've seen has been done many time before, and slightly better than what you are proposing.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

yesthisismymusic's picture

so i'm not allowed to do what I like because s.o else has done that? who said that? what rule? which law?
and what do you know about my idea anyway?
i know there r better guys outthere, I would appreciate your comment hell lot better if you at least show me some other works that I can learn from instead of saying that.:D who are you?
the soul of creativity and art is to love what you do and to have great passion for it. that's my belief.
I do not work for profit only, and I'm happy sending possitive things to people who need them.

Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

Hey you can do whatever you like, I was just offering a critique.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

yesthisismymusic's picture

sorry, maybe I'm being a bit defensive

Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

I was really hoping some others would jump in and add to your discussion. I know you really feel good about your direction, and I wish I could offer you some positives. You shouldn't stop with your direction, but I am not sure how marketable it is.


Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

yesthisismymusic's picture

that's maybe my tomorrow's biggest question

Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday

Zabrisa's picture
Submitted by Zabrisa on

Yup, you got some grammar issues in your Acrobat presentation. I must agree with Phacker, the art work is not that original and I also don't know exactly what you are trying to sell. You claim to have a biz plan and that you hold a patent, but you don't mention a marketable product. What exactly is your product besides graphics displayed on the web? We have a billion billion of graphics already! What specific need does your product seek to satisfy in a financially profitable way? You may be a lover of art but you also have to be business-savy because money pays the bills. Your "mission statement" (my words, obviously not yours) is vague, so nebulous, utterly undefinded. You don't mention any quantifiable/measurable goals/objectives. This lack of content/specificity is understandable since you don't define a marketable product. You want only those that are serious to contact you but you give them nothing but a few seen-similar-but-better pics and vague phrases.

Perhaps all you want to do is attract social workers, religious types, and all-around do-gooders who seek self-fulfillment by bringing joy to this world and expect little to nothing in monetary compensation. If that is not what you want, then I suggest you revise your message pronto!

yesthisismymusic's picture

I'm still trying to figure out a way to present my thought.
here is part of it:

what I really want to do is to create a special calendar to tell, to share and to celebrate individual's moments , accomplishment and etc

each day out of 365 days of the year has different and meaningful message to each of us, today can be my day, your day, the day of this and that ....
is it possible to create something that is worth reading, something is fresh, fun and exciting, something that is actually alive. The calendar of life is what i want to achieve

basicly the rule is very simple:
you donate a certain amount of money to support the development of the project, and you tell us what day is yours. You can get that day to dedicate to yourself or anybody, s.o that you admire or love, anybody...
You can share special things, events that happened to you, changed your thinking or brought you back to life etc

so people can discover special things about all the living wonders around them. Basicly that's the purpose of the site, that's why it's called yesthisismyday. I came up with all these characters to create a sweet and innocent feeling, something that is fictional and adorable. things that r out of reality but still, they r what life is all about. I'm talking about doing meaningful things,things that hundreds years from now still in need.
I think the idea is so beautiful, so I play the risk spending all my time trying to make it happen, but it wont work unless you guys participate in it, this thing isnt about a small group of individuals.

I need partners who are organized, have the know-how, been-there-done-that, good n' creative writers.
Money is really important, I really want everyone that joins and contributes to yesthisismyday's development benefit from the result or at least happy with what they'll get. And I'm trying to learn the how to fullfil that thought. Honestly I don't know. I guess I'm just a normal guy with basic skill and thinking ability. to have a goal and working hard to achieve it is what I want myself to do but it's so hard. easy said than done, I'm still struggling, finding so many conflicts within myself. How can I convince people when I can't even convince myself.
Man, I wish I could find a way to market this idea. Posting pictures all over places is what I'm doing now. It's said cuz that' all I can come up with.
Thank you for taking time to write such a long critics.

Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday

yesthisismymusic's picture

to help people to visualize my idea, i came up with this sample (I made it 6, or 8 months ago, back then I didn't have much illustration stocks so I borrowed some pics from the internet as you can tell)

n' it's the reason why yesthisismyday was born, to celebrate individual days, a pictorial and personal message to help people to appreciate life more.

take an example, assuming I love a girl named Liz but I'm too shy to tell her, so i decide to use yesthisismyday to give her a special gift.
or great achievers, people with life time experience and wisdom, knowledge, how to make them pass those which can't be learned at schools to people who need them. You dont need to be robert kiyosaki, donald trumps to write inspiring stories, you just need to have a good story and have a good motivation to do it.
sorry those two guys r all I can come up with :D just saw an ad about their new book.

"here is the contest! maybe i should change the name into my tooth fairy?
I'm hoping with this contest, I'll be able to get some good stories about memorable days of regular people. We hear stories about bill gate etc, how he makes it etc but you dont have to be big to tell a good story. There r always people who need good stories to live a productive and possitive life. And if it's possible, i want to gather those stories and publish a book. (each day out of 365 days is a fantastic story of different person. it can be about love, dream, anything. Each day is a wonderful tribute to s.o that special)
I also want to get visual arts n' performing works but it takes ... to achieve that. still trying to figure out how!!!

After posting my message and receiving feedbacks I realize this yesthisismyday project has to find a way to make money in order to pay for those who contribute to its development. Asking people to work for free is a wrong way to run this thing. I can't just go and say i have this wonderful thing, come and work. Sad . Most of the time the answer will be how much do u willing to pay?
I'll come back and reread this thing. I know my writing skill is limited.
Thank you for taking time to read n reply. Special thanks to Mr. Paul Cutler, Mr. Weeman, Mr. Celks and others who follow and contribute to this topic. I dont know how to possibly express my appreciation. It's an honor to be here.

and here is the new illustration

Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday

yesthisismymusic's picture

here is my little bay story slide show ( 20 slides). I'm working on the story n' illustration. there's more coming

I'm looking for good writer partner to develop the story, it's possible to create a script/illustration board for the animation film.
All my designs r extremly simple ( for future development purpose)

Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday

yesthisismymusic's picture

here is a storyboard that I'm trying to develop based on the idea of little baby dropping his diaper.
Little baby had a dream to catch the moon and to chase the stars, and he did it! But without s.o to share, it's meaningless ( and we can't rush, it just happens :roll: )
I hope from my simple illustrations, some of you will agree with me

Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday

yesthisismymusic's picture

plz give me some feedbacks!

Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday

langit7bidadari's picture

cute ;) I love the colors you have chosen it's really nice... keep up the good work :cool:

yesthisismymusic's picture

I found a great writer who agrees to help me out. Check out Brendon's work:

© Brendon

so cool! I wish I could write like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
