Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
come and take a look at We are currently looking for individual/team of animation creators/lovers to bring our/your projects into reality.
yesthisismyday has found a solid biz plan with works (c), patent pending. We have a map of where we want to go and now we want to know who is willing to go with us.
We know there r investors and animation studio out there, this is a great/ right team to come together.
Feedbacks are welcome! We love to hear from you!
oh yes we are all crazy :D !
your site has some very interesting animation, in vietnamese culture, when a fish can jump like that he'll become a dragon. Like dragon war from south korea :D oh yes crazy, a bit here and there
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
This is my first real post on this forum, but this thread caught my attention. The following is just my opinion, though I hope it may be of some value:
Focusing on the two photo manipulations above:
1. The street view. I do like this photo, but It took a long time to notice your logo on the building. And for what it's worth, the logo really doesn't add anything to the piece (almost like I was looking for something, and when that something was just your logo I was kind of disappointed). The focal point seems to be the end of the street that the child is looking/pointing at, or in that general area, and it would be much more impactful to have put your logo somewhere noticeable in that area. I would personally think something like a giant balloon rising above the street would catch a lot of attention. As it is there's really not much to bring attention to where it would seem you are trying to take it, and absolutely nothing to keep it there.
2. Girl with the yellow orb-thing. Here I think you got the focal point correct, but there are two problems with the piece in my opinion. first, from a technical standpoint, the orb-thing (sorry, don't know if it has a proper name) doesn't quite blend well with the picture. I'm thinking it might be a lighting issue, where there is a very specular light hitting the upper-right of the orb-thing, and a noticeable shadow on the upper left of it, while everything else is covered in a broad/flat fully encompassing light from the sky. There would probably be some shadow around where the girl's fingers hold the orb, too. The other issue I have is the reaction from the girl. She looks like she's bored, or doesn't really care that there's a weird yellow thing in her hand. I would think there would be a lot more enthusiasm in her face & body. Whether it be a positive or negative reaction, I don't know, but there is like no reaction here, which to me makes the whole picture kind of boring/lifeless.
I'm not too interested in most of your other work, but I doubt I'm really your "target audience", either. I admire your enthusiasm, and think your work would become much more interesting if you spent more time on life drawing & composition studies. Well, that's just my 2 cents, anyway.
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
I'm back :confused: can't leave this place
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
This person belongs to many forums and boards, and seems only to make this one sort of post and then continually bump it up. They never contribute to any other posts or threads. Last time I'll contribute to this thread. Thisis.... can continue on their merry way.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Animation Schools.
I am a Nigerian and am keen in studying Animation in either Singapore, Indian, U.S.A and Canada.
But i will like to know which of the country is the best place to go and study it.
kindly reply me a laptop specification thats best for animation.
Reply me via my email
Yes she does. She is posting her work on lots of different sites so more people can see her work. She also keeps bumping her thread up by posting new art. How is that a bad thing?
So, you don't like her work, and have said so. She still keeps doing it regardless. I think that's great on her part. She's not posting porn or ads selling cheap cel phones so I don't see anything wrong with her posting.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
I agree with Animated Ape. This is, afterall, the Show and Tell forum, and yesthisismymusic is doing exactly that, showing and telling. The bumping up...that's a generic term. This thread is being updated with new work all of the time. If she can't show her work, what is she meant to do? I bump up my thread of the coffee binge animation with new tests...I rarely get involved in other threads, so maybe I should be criticised too? I mean, isn't it really the same?
And by contribute to other threads... yesthisismymusic is contributing in her own way to the AWN forums. By exhibiting her work. She looks to be very busy with her work. Some people stick to certain forums. She happens to stick to this one. She may, in fact, not have very much to say on the topics in the other forums...
*gets animated bullet proof jacket on and bullet proof head visor*
*hopes it will protect him from being rubbed out*
Get to know me more through my blog at! :cool:
Whether it's hello kitty or not it it's really simplified and not even a really solid style, super cheezy, trendy, at best you would gain the respect of maybe one small misled little girl. I would suggest learning to draw with a pencil and paper before moving to photoshop or flash or whatever this was done on.
today is really my day, my birthday guys
dont hate me today please :D
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
new stuff
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
fullview - work in progress
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
I agree, the reason I do the round hands and feet is just to save me the time. I divide my character into 3 parts: head, body and 4 round circles in order to illustrate character movements.
I admire people who have the passion and courage to follow their dreams, especially in this particular field. I wish you guys the very best!
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
thanks, ortho-orange #42
The reason I brought 2 photos an some others (previously) was to reposition yesthisismyday's image and to try to take away the cartoonist/childish feeling which psychologically was perceived. Personally I like them, however I want to try new stuff as well.
what I was trying to achieve can be sum in 2 main points:
1. to introduce Yes as a way to live
2. to personally experience and grow myself, discover my capability as well as the world around me. I thought by choosing a group of artists and professionals who work in the creative industry, it would be easier to have them understood the message. My works, are taken by me as the evidence of my knowledge and skill at the time producing them. My objective is self improving, which will be reflected in the quality and perhaps quantity of my works.
last thing is to find some interesting people ( of course, not to have sex)
one more thing, about the kid and his dad photo (my friend's work), I think it communicates one of Yes' important message: the follower who will finish the biz that his dad couldn't do (in a narrow view) and of course each of us will take out a different message, some lost and found piece of time.
Yes, I'm passionate about what I want to do, but I'm lacking a solid plan, a model of making money (:) ) but hey, it will come eventually.
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
First page

characters page
stories page
yesthisismyday new look
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
..............................Have you guys seen this?..............................
my 2 yrs learning progress
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
this is the last crazy post, will stop and in order to focus on other biz. Hope it's a good news for some people
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
Do you ever contribute to the forums you belong to, or do you simply join to promote your own "work". This thread is tiresome and self serving. I've never seen you post here or at Flashkit on anything but your own threads.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
a friend of my took that beautiful eye shot, I just photoshoped it a bit
Last nite I finiz some ads for yesthisismyproject, the slogan is "bring art to life" didnt have internet access last nite, had no idea there were 80 millions results when i keyed bring art to life. Any way, here r my take:
(2 guys on the left are my life time buddies, both r genius computer programmers, have no idea who that indian guy is, heard that he's dating my ex )
and u can tell they have tons of degrees by their weirdo looks
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
and 4 more ideas
he supposed to look up onto the window of infinity and saw his soul, or perhaps s.o peeing, pooing or a butt, naked chick, boob, too many ideas, as usual, still workin on that)
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
and on this take, a happy cuttie Vietnamese chick is expressing her delighting so super duper cool and excited moment of enlighting when she has the opportunity to come to contact with the forever childish and virginity version of my super duper hero weirdo childhood
thanks for giving me the room to express myself guys, I love u guys all equally . And plz keep in mind that I'm always opened for job opportunities, never say no to any temptation
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
sorry, this is my last post not that one

I'll be retired till next month
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
I need to find an intern this summer 07, just wonder if you guys can help? :D
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
full view
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
Hey pal!
Lame as usual :)
thanks for giving me the space to post my works. I made a showcase recently ( it's amateur to some of you but it's me. I draw with all my passion)
I decided to stop drawing and pursuit other things. There are many things in life to try. I was never a professional but a lover of Art.
I hope my little contribution here will help some of the new members. if I can't convince you with my talent, may my dedication and passion show you to the right attitude to follow what you love.
best luck to all of you
here is the link
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
yes, this is us getting on with our lives
I agree with Phacker. I usually just stare around this post whenever it gets bumped up (almost always by the author, of course), like spam or a banner ad. If you have something new to post, I'd suggest you start a new thread and preface it with some description of what it is so someone can judge whether it's worth a look.
Additionally, I'd recommend you try to use this forum for the discussion of animation: post works-in-progress; ask animation questions, if you have them; offer comments on other people's work if you have something to say. Otherwise it just looks like you're trying to turn this into a mirror site for your website.
Ted Nunes -
This is the "Show and Tell" Forum. This is where this belongs. There are several people who, for the most part stay only in one forum, and that's perfectly fine.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
With faith one cannot fail
Faster than the speed of light
Beo composes the sound of one clapping hand
mind dance
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
stock impages from fridaycafe and storyboard from brendon!
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
This thread is really annoying. There's never even any animation on it! "Look at us we've got shirts and everything! Who cares if we suck at drawing and we've never done any animation. As long as we think of a gay name for ourselves and post our crappy pictures all over the web, that's all that really matters." *slightly sarcastic undertone*. Come back when you've actually created something legitimate.
how about this
Beo Nguyen - yesthisismyday
It's ok to post illustrations here SpaceFighter2000, it's the Show and Tell Forum. If you don't like their style, thats fine. You are entitled to your opinion, which you have expressed, and he is entitled to their style, which he is expressing. If his thread bothers you that much, then don't click on it. It's pretty simple.
These forums are to share our artwork AND to help others. If you have valid critique then fine, but simply saying someone can't draw, or your style sucks, is not acceptable.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
You're right Ape, taking a second look at my comment I realize that it is pretty unacceptable. Please forgive me for taking out my anger on this forum.