What to do...

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What to do...

K...here's another question,if im only 16 and I' serious about digital animation.Now that i have time in mmy hands(for now),what do u all suggest i do first.I need an advice.If u all were my age,what will you all try to do at 16,but i'm still a begginer in this.Plus 1 more question,do i need to learn to draw...hand draw first to be into this digital animation industry,cause i can't draw.I suck at it,but im interested in Digital animation.For all people,pls advice and answer my question.

gamecon90's picture
Imagination is much more important then knowledge...

Imagination is much more important then knowledge...

Getting started

Drawing is good. Very good. Get a drawing pad TODAY and start drawing. You can use "how to" books or just copy the artwork from a graphic novel or off your favorite band's website. Just draw. At some point a drawing class will be helpful especially with a live model. If you're brave enough to draw outside, going to a pool, beach, zoo are wonderful places to do quick sketches. Try not to think you suck. You're just starting and have a lot to learn. You WILL get better with practice.

Next up will be some computer basics - do you have access to programs like PhotoShop or Illustrator? They don't have to be those particular programs but anything that lets you draw or manipulate photos will do. Go through the tutorials found online or come with the software. Just like drawing, the more you do the better you'll get.

And then there's animation packages - whatever you can afford (2D or 3D?). Flash seems to be a great place to start just to get things moving. 3D is very cool but I think it has a steeper learning curve - meaning you have to know a lot. However, if you have a 3D program do the same thing - tutorials and practice, practice, practice.

Digital photography is a great way to get material to work with - think Jib-Jab.

Lastly, think about what you want to animate and stories you want to tell. Write them down, maybe come up with simple storyboards - or comic book layout that tells the story scene by scene. Even something like Penguin waddles then falls down, or Person can't open door. Or Lip sync Kitten to Led Zepplin - whatever.

Give yourself little assignments/projects and have fun. And then post it here!

The only advice is that if you get frustrated, take a break or pick something else to work on and then go back to it.

Put something together, let us see what you can do.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.