Making Maquettes

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Making Maquettes

curious to see if anyone has any info on the best way to go about making maquettes of characters. what types of clays to use, tools, armatures, etc.

any help is greatly appreciated.

Maquette Tutorials

Here is a really in-depth tutorial from Concept, great stuff!

Here is an interesting tutorial for making vinyl figures which is useful too. Once you get past the first page, click on the DIY link.

All the best,

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Claire O'

Try Super Sculpy toonsmith74. It's pretty easy to find in your local art stores. It stays plyable on it's own, and you can bake it in a regular oven then paint it if you want. I've seen step by step books on how to sculpt with it, but I don't know the titles off the top of my head.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."


...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."