College Help

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College Help


I have been interested in animation for all of my life. I truly enjoy watching a quality piece of animation and great story. However I have never been given the oppurtunity to study animation. I am going into my senior year of high school and looking at schools to apply to. Where should I apply? My grades are pretty good but living in Florida i doubt my ablilty to get into a California public school like UCLA. USC is a possibility but it is very expensive. I can try for the FSU film program, but once again acceptance could be a problem. My biggest dilema is that i don't know if I have the money or ability to go to a school that offers any animation program. I am also interested in story, which would bring me to some sort of english major. Also, sadly my drawing skills are lacking, which is a shame because i am very passionate about animation. I guess my question is what are my options? Could I get a liberal arts degree, build up a portfolio and go to a school like CalArts or USC later in life? How can I get into the industry? Any advice would be appreciated, Thanks

If you live in Florida and want to learn computer animation (you didn't say what aspect of animation you were interested in) you should look to Ringling School of Art and Design in Sarasota. We have one of the best computer animation programs in the country and something you might find interesting is that we have a very comprehensive concept element to our program. We strongly feel if you don't have anything interesting or entertaining to say it doesn't really matter how good your animation is because no one is going to want to watch it.

Check us


Department of Computer Animation
Ringling College of Art and Design
Sarasota Florida

Sorry about that, I should clarify. I want to do character animation, and I want to go to a university not a small technical school

Character animation is all we do. To get an idea of what we are about check out our student work.

Also we are four year college accredited by NASAD and SACS and our grads graduate with a BFA in the major of their choice.


Department of Computer Animation
Ringling College of Art and Design
Sarasota Florida