...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
A brief list of the many art and animation schools in alphabetical order.
Academy of Art University
San Francisco, CA USA
The Animation Academy
Burbank, CA USA
Berkeley, CA USA
The Art Institutes International
Minneapolis MN, USA
-other branches
Atlanta, GA USA
Boston, MA USA
San Bernardino, CA USA
Santa Monica, CA USA
Santa Ana, CA USA
San Diego, CA USA
San Francisco, CA USA
Las Vegas, NV USA
Philadelphia, PA USA
Pittsburgh, PA USA
Portland, OR USA
Seattle, WA USA
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Vancouver, BC Canada
Bristol School of Animation
Bristol, UK
Brooks College
Long Beach, CA USA
California Institute of the Arts (Cal Arts)
Valencia, CA USA
California State University Fullerton
Fullerton, CA USA
The Dave School
Orlando, FL USA
Ecole Des Metiers Du Cinema D’Animation
Angouleme, France
Edinburgh College of Art
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Ex’pression College for Digital Arts
Emeryville, CA USA
Full Sail Real World Education
Winter Park, FL USA
The German Film school of Digital Production GmnH
Wustermak/Elstal, Germany
Gnomon School of Visual Effects
Hollywood, CA USA
Gobelins, l’ecole de l’image
Paris, France
The Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago
Chicago, IL
La Poudriere Animation Film-Directin School
Valence, France
Learn 3D Autodesk Media & Entertainment Training Centre
Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
Loyola Marymount University
Los Angeles, CA USA
Max the Mutt Animation School
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Media Design School
Auckland, New Zealand
New York Film Academy
New York, NY USA
North Carolina State University, College of Design
Raleigh, NC USA
Platt College
San Diego, CA USA
Ringling School of Art & Design
Sarasota, FL USA
Savannah College of Art & Design
Savannah, GA USA
San Francisco State University
San Francisco, CA USA
USC (Animation and Digital Arts)
Los Angeles, CA USA
Vancouver Film School
Vancouver, BC Canada
Vancouver Institute of Media Arts (VanArts)
Vancouver, BC Canada
Woodbury University
Burbank, CA USA
Ken's said it. There's no reason you can't undertake some self-directed education until your formal program begins. Heck, there was a time in this field where learning it outside of a formal degree program was pretty typical. And there are folks working in animation today who have never set foot in an art school (like Steve Silver), but have terrific skills that they developed on their own.
If you're really motivated to learn animation, you won't let something like when your classes start hold you back.
thanks for reply DSB, well not everyone can learn things in same amount of time right? If I do self-teaching it may take a real long time. So why should I experiment? Time is precious. And my aim to go for school is to have guidance and resources, for artistic skills I agree with ken on self exploration.
We dont have quality animation-art education in here.
=~My Animation Blog~=
O.K., as I understand it, you've already been accepted into a program, and you're concerned about the time between now and when you start. Is that correct? If so:
Yes, time is precious, which is why I'm surprised you're so resistant to the idea of learning some of this stuff on your own before you begin your program. You're going to get to animation school eventually (next fall, right?) So you've got the time between now and then to educate yourself on some of the basics, which would put you ahead of the game when your "real" education starts. Draw, learn Maya - whatever you think will be the best use of your time.
You may not have a great brick-and-mortar animation school where you are, but you're on the internet, which has tons of animation information available to you. In addition to excellent archives, blogs, etc, there are programs like animation mentor that will train you over the web.
Nobody's suggesting you do any of this instead of a formal education, if that's what you want. The suggestion is to do them in addition to your formal degree program, or prior to, which seems to be what you're concerned about.
If my understanding of your situation is incorrect, then my apologies.
Thanks DSB, I am panning to go for spring term. And till I get to start the school I didnt want to waste time, I wanted to learn drawing so I joined the classes and left my job. So I have already started working on it. Just wanted to know if degree label or how much course matters for me. Because I want to start college as soon as possible (going to college is also imp for me because I can dedicate myself, at home it's not possible). So I can go for BFA Animatoin Spring term or if I should not go for BFA I may have to wait till fall. So I wanted to know if degree or duration of course really matters or how.
From the past dicussion I saw that many ppl were picking the school after discussing a lot of thing about course and stuff and also doing visits to colleges. I cant do it since I live in India. So I wanted to know your views.
Your comments were helpful.
=~My Animation Blog~=
so, a couple pages back there was this discussion on a school called gobelins? It sounded neat, so i went to check it out but...obviously everything is in french. but then i started to wonder, are the classes in french? is it even worth looking into?
sorry if this question is stupid.
Well, the school's in Paris, so I imagine the classes are taught in French.
Yeah, one of the qualifications to study at Gobelins is to speak French. Here at Calarts, we actually have had a number of exchange students from there and their stuff is consistently amazing. If you speak French fluently, it's a very good opportunity.
What my feeling is that student at Gobelins are cream selection and also faculty there must be pushing the students to excel more and that may be the reason of consistency in amazing work from there.
How much this pushing factor really works? I mean ofcourse student has to work really hard, but what if in addition to that you find a guide that pushes you to go to next level and get better quality output?
=~My Animation Blog~=
Maybe you should ask if this can be moved to the Educator's Forum, or maybe do a local search here. This question has been asked before not your specific questions, but often enough that most don't resort to answering questions like this in the Cafe.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Oh! sorry for raising this again, didnt realize. I already have read 25 pages, but after reading all of them I felt like I dont have conclusion and it's difficult to remember what everybody said. And also because there are lots of opposite views it's difficult to come on some concrete conclusion. So I asked. I got confused in what to post where, so sorry for that. Thanks.
=~My Animation Blog~=
There is no concrete conclusion in a discussion like this. There is only what ultimately makes sense for you, and only you can decide that.
And whatever you decide, expect to have some kind of remorse somewhere down the road. Whether it's justified or not, we all end up wondering whether we did the right thing. Human nature...
Hi Maulik13,
I didn't read through the 25 pages of this thread, so my comment may be redundant. Have you considered AnimationMentor.com? This school provides abundant guidance on character animation from professional animators. They don't need to see a portfolio either. They want students who are passionate about learning. Are you?
- Tom :)
----- AnimationMentor.com Graduate -----
"Learning to animate anywhere in the
world from the world's best animators."
Pixar, ILM, Disney, Dreamworks & more.
Yes I know about animation mentor, it's definitely cool, but I want to take more traditional path. Thanks for asking :)
=~My Animation Blog~=
The path at AM is character animation. The medium is a choice you can make, and even switch from week to week if that floats your boat.
I've done hand-drawn as well as CG there, for a grade, and received great feedback either way. I've only experimented with stop-mo there, but there have been a few students to really hammer out some great stop motion work, especially in the second term that covers body mechanics.
The mentors get cast as the school does as being primarily CGers, but then that reflects the student interests as well. In reality while they are almost invariably experienced in CG they also generally have experience in at least one of the other two (of those three) media as well. Out of five mentors so far four of mine have had professional hand-drawn experience (like movies and shorts) and two have done stop-motion at some point.
There's a sort of stigma because of the present work experience of the mentors and supplemental training materials available that it's a CG school, but I think the reality is CG is what most people are in the dark about...so it brings it to a balance. Even if you can't draw, you can operate a pencil. I'd never been in 3D software in my life till a few months before, and it was nice to be on the same page in terms of understanding how to work with my environment in the same way (albeit with 20 years less practice =)...
Yes I realize they also have emphasis on 2d drawn animation. I had seen pencil tests from some AM students as well, but then after I only found short acting CG pieces from AM students. But yes it seems they have one of the best character animation program. And yes taking life drawing classes and learning at AM can be a awesome combination. Thanks for clearing about that.
=~My Animation Blog~=
Your help in education
Hi Maulik:
I am Damien Yoo from Singapore, Intense Animation Studio. I have taken a look at your blog and seen your animation work. Since you have already had some level of experience in graphic design and its your passion to go into animation, you might want to consider getting relevant skills that are needed to make a good transition into the animation industry. The animation industry is not going to care about how many degrees/diplomas you have, but what you can actually produce, basically your demo reel will show it all. The animation industry is so specialized that not many companies are willing to re-train individuals in a particular area, they would rather hire someone who can transit right into the job.
Intense Animation Studio is both a production studio and a training school, founded to bridge the gap between the academic institutions and the industry by providing training on relevant industry skills. You might want to consider the Specialist Diploma in Computer Animation, an assignment based indept course touching on character animation, visual effects to complex details like hair, fur and Mel etc designed to give you the relevant skills needed for the animation industry.
Check us out at http://www.intense-animation.com
Alternatively, you can email your queries to me at damienyoo@intense-animation.com
Hope this helps.
Damien Yoo
+65 63278528
well i decided to goto www.vanarts.com its not cheap but it will teach me what i need to know to improve, plus i can move out of the country!
http://www.flashcartoons.org <-- my site
http://www.traditionalanimation.com <-- my passion
http://learninganimation.blogspot.com <-- my blog
Thanks Demienyu! But I want to choose more of an art path, and my goal right now is to start with foundation to make my skills strong. I know a bit of 3d & scripting, but I know I can learn it on my own. So basically I want to focus on figure drawing and then I am also interested in character design, concept design. So I am more towards drawing/painting medium. Computer is my pet, I can learn softwares it on my own. I will migrate my 2d skills into 3d while studying.
=~My Animation Blog~=
Hi Mechanical Pencil: I would say that it always comes down to the work in the end. If you present a great package...(animation means you know timing, weight, acting, etc.) then you improve your chances. Having a pro-active recruitment department at the school is great but you need the skills/talent as well as the back up the portfolio. Your last school's "guaranteed placement" sounds like then expected you to do the work and I do think that's the much harder path to take. Recruiters and schools/ faculty/ build up relationships...can talk about the student artists...and a level of trust is established in the best schools...so the studio comes to expect a level of excellence and consistency that they wouldn't expect from individual application. Siggraph is a great way to go....bring your work in a form you can hand over to representatives of the studios...everyone goes there. Hope this helps.
hey guys any idea abt GOBLIN in france they have both a 3 yr and 1 yr course in animation , how is this school any comments
In my personal opinion Gobelins Short films are untouchable. They are absolutely without competition.
Looks like in the final term the students are teamed up with experienced Directors. Sounds like a win-win situation.
Can't speak for the experience though.
Gobelins is the best!!!
In my opinion, no one teaches it better or produces work any where near to the quality of Gobelins school in Paris.
They choose the top prospects (only about 5%) and go from there.
Their work is consisitently amazing!
web site
[/U] email:
Schools in Texas
[quote=dreamwise]Hello and thanks for the list but are there any schools in Texas? If you get a chance let me know ok. Thank You!
Hi Courtney: I know that studios recruit from Texas A&M for TDs...(Technical Directors.) You might look into that great university.
hey thanks larry and mbenard for your comments really appreciate your help well do you have any idea abt Goblin's selection process, wat should i prepapre ... i'm a 3d animator under construction :D
I went on a tour of Full Sail today. Its an amazing school and has some really awesome classrooms and teachers. I feel really positive about choosing this school. The tour wasnt near long enough, i really would have liked to have spent more time in the 2d animation studios looking at the students projects. The 3d studios was amazing as well. Their classrooms are relativley small, but it seems like you would get more one on one time that way. The instuctors were very to the point. Just wanted to share, Im really excited :D
Another school
As of right now i am a senior in high school and i have begun filling out applications and looking into colleges. I am currently looking to major in 3D Computer Animation. My trouble is, that i am finding alot of different colleges with different Animation Programs.
For example The Illinois Institute of Art- Schaumburg offers a MEDIA ARTS & ANIMATION with aBachelor of Fine Arts. http://www.artinstitutes.edu/schaumburg/programdegrees.asp?pid=37&dtid=5
Then you have Columbia College. They have a major in film and video with a concentration in Animation.
You have two different directions. The main animation and then the film and video. Wats the difference between the two and which would be best for me?
I am also wondering about what type of college to go to. You have the main art schools. The schools that are just art and design. Then you have the Universities that have other degrees and then have animation. For example you have the Institutes of Arts and then the Grand Valley State University. One is just an art school one is a University with a degree in Animation.
Finally does anyone have any recommendations on the best Computer 3D Animation Schools in the US. I live in IL but i would like to and can travel to go to an out of state college. I would like to kno like wat colleges worked for you guys or what colleges you have heard are very good. I am just looking for some recommendations and some answers to be answered.
Thank you if you have time to read this and help me.
Take a look at the alumni from these places.
If the graduates from these schools are names you might recognize ( because they've had a LOT of success) or they have worked on things you recognize then that's probably the place that you want to go to.
Do not base it on the how they bill/promote their instructors--its the students coming out and entering into the workforce that determines the program's/school's success.
If you aren't getting any info on what the grads /alumni are moving into after school then keep looking for schools that do.
It means that the programs and instructor cadre are savvy enough about industry needs to give students the education they need FOR industry are the ones you want to look closer at.
Those that do not will just piss away your time and money.
"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)
I don't want to be spiteful or anything, but my advice would be to stay away from the Art Institutes chain of schools. I am currently a student at one, and I am transferring to a different school after a year here. Most of the schools don't have valid accreditation, as far as I've heard, and I'm even having troubles getting any transfer credit at all for the classes I've taken. They say they're focused on "career training" rather than on the fine arts, and they use that as an excuse to offer very little art training and alot of computer program tutorials. The problem is, when you go to the graduate shows, there are very few graduates who even know how to draw. In a field such as animation, where our employment is portfolio-based, I'd rather go to a school that will build up the quality of my work.
Oh, also, I posted up a question on the main board, but maybe I should've posted it up here. I was just wondering if anyone has ever heard of the Laguna College of Art and Design. I've checked them out and have been very impressed with the school. They apparently have a 96% job placement rate and one of their most recent graduating animation classes apparently found jobs working on the Barnyard, found internships at Pixar, and, I think, worked on Ice Age 2 (or something at Blue Sky.) People like Glen Keane and Eric Goldberg apparently give workshops there. They have a program that's structured on classical principles of art such as perspective and figure drawing. The main reason I ask is just that, when I applied to the school I'm currently attending, I was told alot of good things about the school by the admissions office. Now that I'm applying to a new school, I'm being told alot of good things about this new school by the admissions office. I just don't want to make a decision based on the school web site and admissions office advice.
College - Montreal
Hello everybody,
I`m a new member into this forum, I`m Peruvian, and I will be finishing my advertising career this coming december in Perù.
Last year, i`ve traveled to canada as a work exchange for students, and i liked Quebec, Montreal a lot. reason why i`m planning to continue my studies there, this time in a related branch as animation design for web, or graphic design. So`I`ve spent some good time looking in the web for design schools there (in english) and i found quite some...
I will like to know if some of you can give some references or comentaries, about herzing college in the area of Graphic Design for the Web. http://www.herzing.edu/school.php?program=33
Thanks for your time, and just to say i`m happy to find a forum about art sciences, saludos y buena suerte a todos.
Welcome wito. Don't know anything about the college you mentioned, but glad to have you here.
3D Max School available in Seattle
Just a note to students living in Washington State. If you would like short courses in 1. Game Art using 3D Studio Max, and/or 2. General 3D Design and Animation Skills, check out our website at www.learnatcentral.org>computer classes> 3D animation and design. Courses are offered every quarter in our continuing education format, by instructors with experience in the field.
Canadian school
Capilano College, Commercial Animation Program.
Go to http://www.gradshow.com/gallery.html and see the level of drawing and design of ALL the students (not just the 2 or 3 "stars" that some schools display). The past 3 grads are up there (2004, 2005, 2006). It's a small program that chose not to become a "factory" school.
Animation Schools in London
I really would like to know about SAE institute in London. Do you think that it is a good place to start an animation career in 3D. If anyone has information on this school please let me know. It would be appreciated as I am about to apply to the school.
I checked out their students' portfolio and it was quite good.
I would also want to know about other 3D animation schools in london.
Hi, I'm new around here, but I have been reading the forums so I have a gist of the things that are being talked about around here. I applied to SCAD and I'm kinda nervous because I do not have much art experience. I drew throughout elementary and middle schools, but once I got into high school, it stopped. I'm in the magnet program and the majority of the classes we take are college-prep or A.P. classes. I signed up for art classes throughout my high school years, but was often told that the classes were full by my counselor. Now I'm a senior and finally in an art class. My new counselor has also put me in an extra art class so that I can benefit from it:) . My question is: Do art schools consider the number of art classes I took during high school or will they consider the academic classes or both?
In my experience, high school only matters to the first college. After that the fact that you got into a college generally floats and they stop asking for those classes and how you did. It's general again, but for the major schools, it's best to have a high general performance and then just really good artwork in your portfolio. Also emphasize extracurrics when you apply to set yourself apart.
Passion is something that is needed in the whole class. And we at the non-US schools are not able to find enough passionate people in our students to sustain immersive learning.
We have to keep coaxing them to submit assignments and other things. Yes, everyone is ready for now (i mean if you want them to do something in the class they're all ready) but no one wants to skip their daily gigs - so most end up turning up without the complete work done. There are people learning animation who don't deserve to even step into a studio except to watch a movie. The real creative ones do not want to do anything with an industry that doesn't pay as well as other industries (who pay even dud ones) since no job work shows up like art does (for all to judge).
So, in that sense, you're left with a few passionate people who don't care about money, surrounded by hundreds who care, and whine and remind them lest they become happy in their soliloquy.
http://www.3danimationtrainingstudio.com I still have not told my story! - Vineet Raj Kapoor
oversized child yearning for school
I am Sourav from Mumbai, India. I have been an engineer (just did ok), am an advertising writer (doing well for myself, thank you) and an would be animator (hoping, praying and burning midnight oil).
Now for the confessions. I am 28 years old right now, single and not exactly sitting on a pile of cash. I am tired of advertising, (though I am making a pile of money) very, very, very animated about animation, and has done a basic crash course (just the basics of drawing and rudimentary Maya). I have decent drawing and storytelling skills.
Now I really, really want to be an animator. I have always wanted to say bizarre, Technicolor stories and make people agape and I have waited long enough.
I am not very excited about the animation industry and education scene in India. I want to go for a course abroad which stresses on art, traditional animation techniques, 2D as well as 3D. And it better be the world's best. (I am very keen on Europe, but that's only emotional reasons, don't know how career-worthy the continent will be.)
Now tell me, worthies, how deep a shit I am in? Shovels ready right here.
Although you're willing to move, you should really check out Animation Mentor. They're an online school so 40% of their alumni are from outside the US, tuition is about $16,000, and they have awesome curriculum that "stresses on art, traditional animation techniques, 2D as well as 3D". As far as being the best, I've not heard a single bad review. However, if you can afford it, CalArts (California Institute of Art) is a world class school that has a program geared to the fundamentals of animation and have only recently instituted a 3-D course. They have a very high job placement rate, as well as Sheridan (Canada, cheaper tuition) and the Academy of Art (also in CA).
I know very little about European schools, but this is a great page to look for one. Animation Mentor, CalArts, and Academy of Art are right at the top. Don't be discouraged that it is for the best CG schools -- animation degrees only come that way these days.
Academy of Art (based in San Francisco) also has an online degree program that is every big as rigorous as their on-campus program. And when all is said and done, the degree isn't nearly as important as the quality of your animation skills.
But if you want to stay put, you have options...
Online Lessons that are affordable
Our new online lessons are live...the content will not change but the window dressing will- we have a new opening, index page on the way- you will see cosmetic changes - the lessons are solid...but only around $20.00 each...for lecture/demos and handouts that download.
just click below...
web site
[/U] email:
Affordable top quality animation education.
Max the Mutt in Toronto offers top quality instruction, and is very affordable, approximately $10,000 per year for US and International students. All instructors are working professionals and there is a strong emphasis on classical drawing and and classical animation. Check out the web site, www.maxthemutt.com, for complete curriculum and take a look at the student gallery. For info, email admissions@maxthemutt.com.
Phew, I just finished reading this thread, and must say that it's good to have discovered it before coming to a decision about animation training. Many myths were busted, and I landed down to earth and reality!
I'm about to finish a 5-year degree in design engineering, and for one year now-or so-been searching for a good school to be trained in animation. My first choice were English universities that offer a one year masters degree. I realized that most of them are teaching more general 3d stuff, than animation, specifically. This is the reason why I turned to USA schools. They seem more animation specific.
I¢ve thought of SCAD¢ s MFA degree, but maybe 1 year is too short period of time.
Also, I now realize that it takes more than one year to study animation. My first and uppermost goal is to learn the craft, so I don't anymore bother if it will be a BFA, MFA, or a private school. I want to TRULY learn and be guided by the best pros.
The thing is, I'm not exactly economically capable of studying another 3 or 4 years, abroad, considering the vast expenses required by schools in the USA.
I have also thought of AAU¢s MFA, but 4 years is not economically viable for me, especially because of the high expenses that I¢ve read San Fransisco has.
I'm thinking of enrolling into AnimationMentor, and at the same time take traditional classes here in my country. Although AnimationMentor¢s results are very good, probably the best I¢ve seen in 3d, the reason this option makes me worried, is because I would prefer to be in a vibrant environment between other-eager to learn-fellows.
I have also seen that gnomon has the option of choosing courses, but I'm worried because nothing has been mentioned about gnomon in this thread. A hypothetical chain of courses that could suit my needs, could be this:
Introduction to Maya
Animation and Visual Effects
Character Kinematics
Character Animation 1
Character Animation 2
Acting for animators
Figure Drawing
Gesture Drawing
Visual Communications 1
Character Design
Production Design 1
Production Design 2
Visual Structure
Timing for Animation
This is about $13000, and I may be able to complete it in a short amount of time so to save the living expenses. Does anyone know about gnomon?
My goal is to get a solid traditional base alongside animation training. DeAnza seems to provide this kind of training. Has anyone had experience with this?
I'm also thinking of european schools like Viborg, which seems extremely competend, but I don't know if they teach in English, and Filmakademie.
My background is a lot of drawing the last 6-7 months, trying to produce a bit everyday, and some 3d animation experiments.
It's a really tough decision to make, and I would love to hear the experienced ones' thoughts.
Thank you very much:)
muurtikaar is an ingrate and clueless. muurtikaar will never get any questions answered on this forum ever again.
I'm really curious about how anyone can teach - or study- life drawing and drawing for animation on line!
Beat Sergei Bubka in 21 days
Ditto for me :(
The training as we witness involves a lot of guidance and hand-holding in terms of inputs by the trainer. It also involves perseverance by the trainee who needs to be pushed to increase his capacity/ stamina along with quality akin to a athletics trainer.
Well, I would like to order a copy of "Beat Sergei Bubka in 21 days - practice right in your backyard."
http://www.3danimationtrainingstudio.com I still have not told my story! - Vineet Raj Kapoor
Academy of Art online animation classes
[NOTE: I just posted this over in the Educational Forum , but that forum doesn't seem to get too much traffic, so am cross-posting it here so it gets seen - DN ]
This may be of interest to those of you looking to expand your animation skills but who are not able to attend a traditional on-campus art school:
The Academy of Art University offers traditional animation classes (hand-drawn and stop-motion) online . (alongside of CG animation classes) .
New classes launching in Fall 2008 semester include :
ANM 380 Stop Motion Animation 1 - taught by stop-motion animator and author Ken Priebe. Ken is the author of the noted book The Art of Stop Motion Animation . This is a unique course in that is one of the few classes in traditional stop-motion puppet animation offered online by an accredited university. Ken will be following up this class with Stop Motion Animation 2 . (The Academy of Art also has several other Stop-Motion and Puppet Making classes in development for launch online in the near future.)
ANM 261 Introduction to Effects Animation taught by Kathleen Quaife . Kathleen is a veteran effects animator having worked for Don Bluth, Disney, Warner Bros. Feature Animation , and many other places. She is one of the strongest , most knowledgeable effects animators in the business and has been very successful in applying her traditional effects skills to digital production using Flash and ToonBoom. See examples of Kathleen's work here: Kathleen Quaife reels
ANM 375 Maquette Sculpting - taught by former Disney artist and sculptor Jason Peltz. Examples of Jason's work may be seen on his website: Jason Peltz maquette examples
These new classes are in addition to the traditional animation classes that the Academy of Art already offers , including :
[B]Introduction to Animation
Animation Assisting
Experimental Animation
Introduction to Storyboards & Animatics
History of Animation
Character Design & Drawing For Animation [/B]
and many others.
We are in the process of adding many exciting new classes to our online animation department, including Vector-Based 2D Animation, Layout, Background Painting , Advanced Storyboarding.
General information about The Academy of Art University's Online program can be found here : http://online.academyart.edu/index.html The video presentation How Online Classes Work is a good overview of the Academy's online program.
To read about the animation degrees offered see here : Animation Degrees Offered by Academy of Art University.
-David Nethery
Coordinator of Online 2D Animation
Academy of Art University
What ... no mention of the Rhode Island School of Design?!?! Only one of (if not THE) top art schools in the USA.
West-coasties are so territory conscious.
I'm sorry that the list of schools only lists schools on the west coast. RISD is also a great art school. For more information please visit their website at: http://www.risd.edu/
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."