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Well, I have left SCAD to pursue my other projects....
I wish everyone there well...
My new site the LARRY'S TOON INSTITUTE is under construction...
For former students you can contact me here or through...
We are planning a "getogether" in L.A. in August. PLease contact me for dates...
Life is great!
Always Animated,
Good luck with your "retirement" Larry. I am sure you'll put it to good use. You'll probably really miss the interaction with the students though. They may be untrained and fresh but they do give new ideas and inspiration.
Look forward to your updated site.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Larry, glad you are enjoying things.
I was enjoying my retirement too.
As soon as I set out to work on a long-held-off personal project, I get a email from a studio wanting me to board on a show, starting next week.
That happens EVERY time.
I am cursed.
Well, I do have more toys I wanna buy.....
"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)
okay Phacker!
What's that crack about "retirement"? I plan to never retire- too much to do. I left SCAD because I had so many other things to do...
I already have a show of my work on July 7th at a local gallery on Tybee Island.
RETIREMENT...(huffy. huffy)
Bah Humbug...retirement.... why you little...
Sorry- hate that "r" word...
Thanks Pat- you weiney!
Best :)
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Ah shucks Larry I was sorry to have missed you during commencements...I was in town for the weekend. Although I heard it was your wifes birthday so I understand.
Like you I also officially left SCAD now and went on and continued the good life out here in LA.
I'll email you for those dates...look forward to seeing you this summer!
Take care! Best of luck to you!
Neversoft Entertainment
I'll rephrase my congrats then Larry. Congrats on the new direction your life and career are taking. Best wishes.
Hey that first happy birthday greeting from AARP must have really gotten to you! I know I resented mine.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Hey, Congrats Larry!
It's always fun and alittle scarry starting a new chapter in life. Wish you all the best of success.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
Honest Enthusiasm!
Thanks Pat,
I was only kidding! Honestly, I am so enthused by all the possibilities- there is NO FEAR there at all.
I always preached to my students- you have to get out there and put yourself on the line. I would be a hypocrite if I didn't do it myself.
Yes, I have reached that AARP age- but I firmly believe you are as young as you want to be...though, last week, I did take the 2 dollars discount for Seniors (55) at the local Sand Gnats, minor league baseball game.
Next summer, I am leading a 12 day art expedition to Lucca, Pisa, Florence and other Tuscan environs. We are going to do concept art, and character design. We will get those Italians into the right shapes... :D
So many possibilities.
By the way, one reason, I didn't attend graduation is that they took my SCAD ID on Friday...sorry folks...
Thanks again.:D
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Go Larry go!
Congrats on the new move!
Regarding that "age" thing, I was on the horn with a young CD who asked me how old I was (why, I'm not sure!)...anyhoo, I said 45 and he responded that I "still sounded young at heart!" :eek:
Me thinks I shant be working there!:rolleyes:
Congrats again!
SPLAT digital
Splatman my little Cavey friend I had no idea you were one of the grizzled haired group here at AWN. You're not quite AARP age but you are edging up on it.
Larry that's too bad about them taking your ID away right before graduation. That's seems a little unsporting on their part. I knew you were kidding. Sounds like you have big plans in the works.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Grizzled, Pat? Nah!
I prefer "Silverback" i.e., the Dominant Male!, just don't tell my wife, okay? ;)
SPLAT digital
Good on ya, Mr L. Do have fun! And don't forget us here in Germany completely, will you?
Life After Scad
Would it make sense for you to stay in paradise on Tybee Island and work from home....computers make such a lot of things possible?
Hi Larry, this is Eric Cerda
Congrats and best wishes to you. I am where I am today because of you. I have a great job at Radical Axis in Atlanta where I am rising, abilities in animation honed through your supervision. I'm a lead animator/character designer. The present and the future are bright!
Thank You!
Mr. Cerda! Been too long my friend. Sounds like things are going great for you!
Keep on rocking!
Neversoft Entertainment
Hey Guys!!!
Hello Eric and Rob (two of the best I ever taught- anywhere)
Thanks guys! You made my job extremely easy- folks who are dedicated worked your butts off) and who can draw!!!!!! You both deserve all the successes that will come your way.
I have to plan on a trip to Atlanta to see all the folks up there!
We have a house sitter for August so we can spend some time out in L.A. The idea was to bring everyone together. How does August 19th, Sunday sound...we can meet in Marina Del Rey and have dinner? I know a place that can accommodate a large group. There are Scaddies and Ballyers and Ahs folks out there!
What do you think?
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Hey Larry! Thanks for the kind words...hopefully one day I can work with you again.
I'll mark it on my calendar and would love to meet up in Marina Del Rey. It's pretty centralized for everyone and should work well.
Looking forward to it!!!
All the best Larry!
Neversoft Entertainment