This has no intention to offend anyone.
I`ve noticed that most of the US community has a negative response to forain lenguajes, such spanish in my case. Just to name one... in Newgrounds peope reacts violently to submissions in spanish, it doesn`t matter if it has subtitles. They just don`t want to think, ever ever!... "Who want`s to read?!" "Tath`s in f****g spanish" and so... and it`s not one individual, it`s the common response. And i don`t undestad either the violence of the responses, it`s like they just want to sit and receive anything, but never ever want to process it.
I don`t know, i undestand that english is now the most extenden lenguaje around the world.. but,, come on... the US is getting more and more self involved, about everything.. and that can`t be good. Culture, tolerance... you know...
So,, that`s that.
and... sorry for my english!!!!!! jaaa
If people wanted to read, they'd open a book. Most people watch movies and TV precisely because they want effortless entertainment.
Face it, subtitles - for most of the population - are an annoyance, regardless of which country you're in. Personally, I refuse to watch dubbed movies (movies in which the lip movements are not in synch with the voices), but if I'm going to watch the subtitled version, it's going to have to be a great movie.
Ok, Ken i get the joke, it`s not a good one that`s it.
And well, that`s that... i know that in the US too you are individuals... but from were i see it (Argentina) it looks a little creepy. US looks like a big house, were the inhabitants never want to leave, or travel or get to know womething else. And tath`s sad, it`s like letting yourself go, mental lazyness (if i may, je)... and it`s anybody`s fault, it`s the way it is.
US exports culture.. and tath`s ok, i consume some of that and grow with it, but i also have other thing`s.. have my own culture, and as well can consume others, european, asian, etc...
When i say "ME" i don`t want to reffer only to myself, but to people on my country and others... of course we also are individuals, but if you see the big picture a country who HAS to addapt to other cultures in order to get information, resourses, to study, etc.. learn other lenguajes... you know.. that forces you to expand yourself. It seems like the US in their mopolyc way... are self destoying.
It is to! Kaaplah!!!
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
While I've seen my share of subtitled movies, I've always thought that there's a disconnect there. The filmmaker goes to the trouble and expense of crafting a visual experience, and then the audience's attention is distracted from all that in order to read what's being said.
Well, if I lived in Argentina, I'd want to leave too.
The United States is a pretty wonderful place, so naturally people like to stick around.
Wanna get some Gaghk and blood wine after the Batl'th tourney?
Assuming either of us is still standing....
"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)
ok, i will leave you guys and your country alone. It has no point in trying to have a conversation with you (some of you).. you are so affraid. So, take your remote controls, your Coke... and BE HAPPY!!! because that`s all there it to it for you.
And don`t go outside ah!... it`s a scary place! Don`t you dear!
And you think you can have ideas.
And about subtitles in movies. JISUS! you really think that someone just have to see movies in their own lenguage to "get it".... JA! that`s just funny...
Really i think about it and it scares me,,, i mean, your childrens. wtf are they going to be when grown? i hope i`m not here to see it.
Huan, it sounds more like you want to pick a fight with this attitude you are copping here.
You are making generalizations about a country and people that you haven't visited ( I imagine) and do not have much traffic with. You are doing the very same thing you are criticizing others for.
Maybe take more time to get to know actual people in the target country before you condemn the lot of them.
There ARE those kinds of folks in the USA ( and Canada, and elsewhere) and there are folks that would surprise the hell out of you with the depth of their exposure to the world.
Get some genuine experience with the rest of your world and you'll see your own generalizations are inaccurate.
"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)
Contact with the US? i have it, everyday, everytime i turn on the tv, listen to a record, search for whatever on the web, and so. I have friends and relatives there, i`ve been there. One of my best friends spend his youth there, and so on. It`s impossible to anyone outside the US not to get in contact with it.
And my friends from the US are, some of them, great people. So, i`m not talking about individuals, i think i said so in my first post.
I`m talking about the big picture. if you had to say. will you say that the US is an open country? with open minded people?. I would say not.
The thing is, again... i`m not trying to attack anyone. Maybe i sliped some harsh comments, je.
I`m just saying, for wath i see on TV, read on forums, etc... people un de US are getting more and more violent and closed about thing from outside the US and their culture.
That`s it.
[QUOTE=huan1]I`m talking about the big picture. if you had to say. will you say that the US is an open country? with open minded people?. I would say not.
But if you are speaking in generalities then you are excluding those factors which level your argument in favour of only those factors that support it.
Truth is that when you look at things like Pres. Bush's approval rating; SIXTY PERCENT PLUS of those Americans polled do not approve of him.
That means some folks...........MORE than a few folks... in the US of A have their eyes open.
That's always been the case. They have access to the same data-streams as you and I, they have the same means to travel and encounter other people.
I know hundreds of Americans--that I communicate with daily. Less than a half dozen are what I would categorize as ignorant about the rest of the world.
Just from my own perspective, those numbers lean against your notion of the situation.
Maybe you need to connect more?
Blanket statements never cover your whole argument.
"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)
I hope you`re right Ken.
Maybe i`m beeing to parcial.
I don't know what's considered an attack in Argentina huan, but making broad generalizations, dismissive comments, and mocking sarcasm are usually considered attacks here in the good ol' U.S. of A. Maybe you didn't mean it that way... maybe.
If I had my way, I'd make Klingonese the universal language.
Just cuz.
nuqDaq yuch Dapol, anyone?
"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)
No sense in apologizing for your English, at least you're trying, and I could definitely tell what you're saying.
First order of business: You're being too specific. -People- don't want to think =)
Second, if I could make one appeal to you, it's this -- please do not equate the United States and its 310 million people with the 14 yr old sugar-covered Xbox audience at Newgrounds. Rest assured, the kind of people that would show insensitive behavior simply because the language presented is different than they're accustomed to -probably- aren't the kind of folks you're aiming for anyhow.
Spanish is fun and useful (and similar), especially given its own emerging growth. They'd be smart to roll with the punches.
Is it just subtitles? City of God is one of my new favorite movies, and Crónicas was ridiculous immersive too. Both pretty lengthy and both definitely not English. It gets to a point about 10 minutes in where you read it really quick and hear it translated in your head anyhow, maybe they just need a breakthrough experience like that.
You`re maybe right Sca. One need to experiment something in order to understund it... but thing`s are not going that way, every day people in the US are more and more selfinvolved with their culture... but, ok, that`s it.
And Ken... come on.. are you one of those fourteens?
Thw world is so big guys... you just have to see some of it.
Whether or not you choose to believe there is hope doesn't change the fact that there is. Being self-involved is how every country since the dawn of time has developed individuality.
Be sure not to confuse the government and military decisions with the voice of the people. All too often they are at odds, partially or completely. And know that most people are just working off of their model of the world, and aren't deliberately out to make a mess.
I just read a survey a month back of all these huge people in politics and special interest groups from almost every country, and they thought the biggest grievance was going to be more contemporary..."Hey, U.S., stop kicking up sh-- and meddling with other countries" and almost unanimously the answer back was that while that -was annoying- the only dramatic resistance most people had with the country was with how we consume resources. They were upset that better plans or means weren't in place to redistribute wealth and goods, and that one reasonably large country shouldn't have (in their eyes) most of the "stuff."
I personally don't believe in the whole victim/villain paradigm but it fascinates me that people who've never spent a moment of their life here can go on for hours counting our misses and never our hits when it came to benefitting the world.
The immediate response is "We get it all the time from you guys...if I had a bag of cash for every time a U.S. person told me what it's like to be French" or similar comments...Of course you do, but all that means is you know how it feels!
I say either we get to discussing this kinda stuff....use the technology and the interconnectedness, and lay cards on the table, otherwise, everyone just go to their rooms, shut the hell up, and keep looking stupid because we can't play nice.
We're all people being people. Don't take it personal, and most of all don't take it too seriously. Half of what anyone says, they don't know what they're talking about, because the only shoes they wear are their own. Anything else is is exploring some fear or insecurity, or worse yet a superiority complex the likes of which they say, in the same breath, they are opposing.
You mean you don't "get" the KLINGONese joke?:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Hint, its not even a real language.;)
"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)
Huan i can see how you would be disspointed by such a reaction. but the thing is it is a very niche sample of the population that goes to newgrounds. so i wouldnt paint the US with the same brush.
i lived and studied there for a long time and have met a great many intelligent and open minded people.