Hi. New animation student here -in fact new to any formal training on any given number of art subjects. I want to post some of my WIP and current stuff as I produce it for feedback so that I may improve. I'll start out by admitting I am pretty bad in many areas, this way I don't have to apologize with every post. :)
I'll be home from work in a few hours and when I get the roughts for my current school project scanned I'll load them up for your useful and appreciated crits. I value your advice because as a 46 year old guy just getting started I don't want to be retiring before I am any good. ;)
Until then here are a few things I have played with -it's a page I put together when I applied to some schools as I was afraid they might not realize that behind this aging hulk sitting at their desk, stumbling over his words while nervously bending paper clips, there might be a tiny bit of raw untrained talent worthy of admitting to the school. In the end I think they just wanted someone whose credit was approved. ;)
Ok, here is my first post. I did these images as part of an in class assignment exploring different camera angles. I created a basic html page and posted the link as the images are large and don't want to bog anyone down who has a slow connection.
Here is one page as an quick example in case you don't want to see the rest...
Any crits on drawing style or anything else will help me improve -thanks.
My blog at AnimationBlogSpot
This is my first very rough frames for the new animation assignment. Going to post them now as your crits will help me improve while I go as I will be working on this for the next 3 weeks.
I know I need lots of tweens to adjust timing and am going to start that now. I also want to add one of those spinning feet things where he pushes against the head and makes no errr .... head way. Then I want him to slip and flip and crash. After that I'll work on him trying to lift the stone and put it on his neck -then the rest. :)
Feel free to crit anything that will help -drawing, the process -it will all help me.
My blog at AnimationBlogSpot
I was reading your first post and found that you said you were starting something new with animation. Well sir, Don't feel alone. So am I. I have fooled around with cartooning all my life. Never really amounted to much but still dabbled in it and really never thought my work was ever truley any good. I myself am all self taught. I feel I fall short because I have no real experiance. But hey you are getting your schooling now. Don't feel bad about your age either haha
Because when I was your age I wondered why I waited so long in life to go after what I really loved. I really like your Game BG's they are cool. I would really like to see more of your work. Thanks for checking out my gallery.
Thanks for the kind words and encouragement. I don't feel too bad about my age, just sorry it took so long to get started as I am really enjoying it. :)
All the best.
My blog at AnimationBlogSpot
I have a question for ya? where are you going to school. Locally here, there are no such facilities, which sucks big time. I need to go to school myself. I've never had any training since my 8th grade art class (god thats been so long ago.) Oh well, I digress, haha,.
So, I'd love to follow your progression and see how you develope and maybe you can even let me know what your class projects are and I could kinda sorta follow along. That is if you wouldn't mind?
let me know? please
" If all children do is learn how to pick up the apples from the ground, they never learn to climb the tree."