Need 2D artist for Sci-Fi film Planet Zero

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Need 2D artist for Sci-Fi film Planet Zero

I need 2d art of 4 space craft for new film Planet Zero.
This is for film credit only. We are micro budget. aka I pay all the bills.
So I need help. I will also give you the film on DVD free of charge once it is completed.

pls email me.
:) :D

I don't understand this idea that it's acceptable to ask for content in return for "film credit only."

Even if someone is footing all the bills, what, they can't afford twenty bucks in pay for artwork? At least something?

because deep in their hearts

they know that twenty-bucks-- or anything within the substandard zone--
is insulting for an animator's talent.

asking it for free, however, they can easily hide behind the i-am-really-destitute-even-for-a-buck-but-could-you-do-it-out-of-the-goodness-of-your-heart angle.

Don't worry.  All shall be well.

Man, something is in the air lately with all of these posts of cheapskates who can only offer fame and glory!

We need cold hard cash people!!!

"We are micro budget. aka I pay all the bills." Hey guess what? We have bills to pay too!!!

Flash Character Packs, Video Tutorials and more:

This is constructive, I am not bashing...but...I think you're much better off getting a halfway-decent page up before hiring on creative talent. You'd actually have a better shot e-mailing people, because there's nothing to judge. It looks so cheesy and thrown-together people will take you less seriously, even if you were Francis Ford himself. I think subconsciously it says something about how much you care about the project, and who wants to be on a project where they can't even get the webpage straight? If it's a time issue, finish it up before showing it off.

they know that twenty-bucks-- or anything within the substandard zone--
is insulting for an animator's talent.

Interesting. I don't think it's insulting.

I think it's quite honorable to accept whatever wage one wants to accept for one's work. I know quite a few artists who are building up their skills, and would gladly accept less than the "going rate."

I know quite a few artists who are building up their skills, and would gladly accept less than the "going rate."

So why are you bothering to ask around here? Ask your "quite a few artists building up their skills" instead and save bandwidth at the same time.

Huh? I'm not asking for anything. My questions were rhetorical, and about why somebody wouldn't pay artists for their work.

I'm already paying my artists a heck of a lot more than twenty bucks.

There's a flea market section and animation coop section, what's with this? Why post this stuff if in the cafe....I am starting to get pissed, and you won't like me when I am pissed.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

Sorry Brent - I confused you with the classless hack who wanted something for nothing. Just got back into town, and I'm a bit wiped. My bad :(

Maybe someone like Gabe would be willing to help you out. But why post on the Cafe. Why not post this sh*t on the Coop or Fleamarket. You do get what you pay for!

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.