Hi Im trying to animate 2d Fog, without just rendering clouds in Photoshop and keyframing them along.
Any advice on how I might do this, and suggestions of filmic examples I could at?
very grateful for any help!
Reeeeeeally wanna change my username :(
Reeeeeeally wanna change my username :(
20 of u viewed my fog question and none of you replied! that is so mean!
ok Im joking, but if you do have suggestions, don't hold back, its only fog!
Thanks, Elz x
Reeeeeeally wanna change my username :(
It depends of how yo work, which software and which tecnique and stuff.
If youre using photoshop create some different fog shapes and in some animation software slowly blend between them, have the visibility set very low and have some blur filter set high. Don't just blend straight from one to another but vary the visibility and blur as you go along, making the fog float into thicker or thinner.
Rylander Animation
Striking Animation
I am one of those twenty that viewed, but fog is one of those "foggy" questions. If you think like you're using a pencil consider that what fog does is conceal things and go with that. I've tried using foggy overlays and it really doesn't work all that well. Maybe I'll put it on my list of things to experiment with.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
I recorded a clip of some steam using a kettle, a wok and a spot-light which i use for fog and similar.
Look at how 3D graphics programs handle fog. Look at eaarly 90's anime. And look at the impressionists who liked fog and came to london to paint the smog (the fog of pollution) that then hung over the city.
Mike Futcher - www.yogyog.org
I dont how it could possibly done without the use of multiple layers.
Unless you can somehow capture the effect in a 2d program Im not aware of?
In a Flash I have a technique, if you want I'll send for you.