Time to complete a 25 sec Animation Project?

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Time to complete a 25 sec Animation Project?

How long would it take to create a 25 second 2D animation in very "low" quality (see Jib-Jab for example). My company would like to know if I would be able to make it in 2 weeks (If I do it alone it will be only 10 days since I am going out of town). We are talking about 2 character sitting on a couch talking with a third character in the back ground installing an alarm. It is supposed to be funny. I'm thinking if I try to do it at 12 frames per second and shoot on twos a few could get seconds done a day. If I used a single background and only animated the characters in Hannabarbara Style where only there heads have to move it could be doable. I haven't ever done an animation longer then 10 seconds though and I would be doing this one entirely by myself.

Also if anyone out there would be willing to help or even wants to do this project let me know. It is a paid job (I don't know how much though...I am on a salary here...a very little salary)



hett15's picture
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that has been given to us." ---Gandalf

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that has been given to us." ---Gandalf

I did this 15 second "animation" for a motion studies class project and it took maybe 20 hours (wild guess), including drawing/scanning/clean-up in Photoshop, and learning Flash from scratch (we were supposed to use After Effects, but don't tell my teacher :) ):

http://www.jprowland.com/forums/ANIM130_Proj3_mov_mp4.mov (5 MB)

Word is right now that the client is dragging his feet and he might be backing out. I was asked to draw up some storyboards for it and make something presentable for the client. We have been trying to contact the client, but he is not returning calss (he is very legit, it is just he has been out of his office today and we need a green light in order to get it done on time.)

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that has been given to us." ---Gandalf

are you doing that in cell or using a software like flash, or toon boom??

I don't know. I might just hand draw it. Scan it into my computer. Color it in photoshop. Export each frame to my edit system and compile the audio and music.

I still don't know.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that has been given to us." ---Gandalf

I'm not too sure of how fast you draw, or what style you're really doing.
if you were to use Flash or toon boom, or some sort of two d animation software, i don't think there should be any problems at all doing twenty five seconds in two weeks.

You could use the AWN forum for help if you need it.
Feedback, encouragements, advices... etc etc..


I did pitch the idea to my boss that the animation needs to be either really good or so bad that it's good. It is supposed to be a funny spot so that can give me some leeway with the draftsmanship. I'm thinkng southpark style almost. I'll keep everybody updated. Right now they have put the project on a back burner while they try to negoiate with the client for more time. The client is also mucking things up because they want to do all the audio work themselves and then send it to us. Oh and did I mention it will be in english and in spansish? they think they can make the timing work the same, but I know after 5 years of highschool spanish the timing is nowhere near the same.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that has been given to us." ---Gandalf

For a Jib-Jab or South Park style animation, two weeks is a week too long :D I find if you're going for a simple style, or as you put it, so crappy it's good, the more time you have the worse it looks. Meaning, if you have a month to animate 25 sec in South Park style, you tend to over work it, but if you have only a week, you have to rush through it and it ends up looking right. At least that's been my experience. I think you're on the right track thinking of animating it like Hanna Barbara style. Good luck.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

...after 5 years of highschool spanish the timing is nowhere near the same.

wow, I only took 4 years of highschool. After that they said I had to leave because I was too old. I didn't believe them that Senior was the highest level, I knew they were just holding out on me.

J/K man, i'm just giving you a hard time.

wow, I only took 4 years of highschool. After that they said I had to leave because I was too old. I didn't believe them that Senior was the highest level, I knew they were just holding out on me.

J/K man, i'm just giving you a hard time.

Ha ha ha actually I took a year of "highschool" spanish in 8th grade that counted for a highschool credit, then I took four years, 2 of which were dual enrollment college classes.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that has been given to us." ---Gandalf

I'd make sure you have the client sign off on all designs and storyboards before you get rolling. If you can have a test of what you expect the final product to look like I'd have them sign off on that as well. You don't want them getting a process pass and try to change thier mind on anything for the heck of it

If they have a date they need it buy make sure you dictate when you would need to have the audio by in order to have it done in time.

Also I'd go for so bad it's good. It's worked for South Park all these years.


Department of Computer Animation
Ringling College of Art and Design
Sarasota Florida

Flash Projects similiar to that typically take me 4-5 days... depending on how you go about lip-syncing. I think the key to a one shot toon like this is the delivery of emotion and personality from the characters.

There's also the learning curve to consider. If you're doing a project from scratch and have no reusable assets, its going to take you longer to ramp than it would with something you've done before.