New Website

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New Website


I posted my website and I would love feedback on it. Here's the link

I'm still working on it, as I need to add more pictures to the pages, but I couldn't wait. I'm looking to know what you like, what you don't like, and all sorts of nit-picking is welcomed and encouraged. I'm also interested in load times and navigation issues.

(I also think that since this is my 30th post that I've finally been upgraded from junior member to member! Yiippee!! :p )

Thanks! :)

Sharvonique Studios

Animated By Sharvonique Blog

AWN Showcase Gallery

new website

Hi I'm new to this site and I've been browsing the posts. I really loved your characters, very unconventional and real. They sound very complex. I would love to see them animated. I cant imagine how you keep from getting bogged down from working with so many angles to their characters. I find I can only work to the simplest of briefs. I'm brand new to animation so I supposed working with time and motion is a totally different media to painting. With my paintings my characters only do one thing, so I suppose you need more to work on for a film.

Hi issy!

Welcome to AWN, and thanks for taking the time to check out my site and for responding to my post. I really appreciate it!

I do think a lot about the personalities and backgrounds of my characters. I try to make them as real as possible so that people would have some sort of emotional response to whatever is happening to them. I also find it easier to have characters that are really well defined because I know how they would act in certain situations and can animate them accordingly.

You say that you're new to animation, so I'm curious about what type of animation you're getting into - 2D, 3D, entertainment, commercial? Do you actually want to animate, or do you want to be an animation painter or concept artist?

Sharvonique Studios

Animated By Sharvonique Blog

AWN Showcase Gallery

Is anyone else going to offer feedback? :(

Sharvonique Studios

Animated By Sharvonique Blog

AWN Showcase Gallery

Hi Sharvoniqoe

I'm not sure exactly what I want to do in animation yet. I was blown away by finding nemo and Ive bought the book of the artwork and been studying it like mad.
I loved the characters they were real as well. Well rounded and flawed, very loveable. The artwork is incredible, really warm and friendly which is similar to how I paint.

I mainly paint people, to express aspects of their character its all about poses. I tried acting years ago and could never understand how you build a character, it seems imposible.

I'm going to try some 3D work with models. Ive got a book and a digital camera. Is your work 2D or 3D? and do you have to be a writer to create characters? where do I start?

well after a couple minuts of asking my self what the hell is wrong i realized your site is intended to be at a certine size which you did not enforce and its wide screen enither i are apparent...

your animations are ratther amusing. the diferent characters are interesting and like mentioned above real :D

I looked at it from my computer at work (fast connection) and I recall liking what I saw, but the thing takes a pretty long time to load at home, on a 56K connection.

Chason, how do you "enforce" page width? Use layout tables?

Cartoon Thunder
There's a little biker in all of us...

Thanks for the feedback and the compliments! :)

I'm no sure what's wrong with the size. The whole thing is created in Flash, and I set the dimensions to be 100 X 100 pixels so that it would automatically adjust to any screen size or resolution. What am I doing wrong?

Yeah, I was worried that it was too big for 56K connection. I tried to make it smaller, but I'm not sure what else to do. The html file is 828 bytes, and the actual swf file is 79.3 kb. I thought those were pretty good sizes for the web. Am I mistaken?

My work is both 2D and 3D, and no, you don't need to be a writer to create characters. I think you just have to understand the motivation of your characters to make them real. You already know how to create the look of your characters, so you can start from there. After you create your characters, try to create a history for them. What's their name, age, where were they born, what was their childhood like, describe their parents, do they have siblings, etc.

Now to develop a personality try to think about their strengths, weaknesses, flaws, likes and dislikes, bad habits and unusual mannerisms. These personality traits will make your characters unique and set them apart from other characters. Essentially, I think the easiest way to develop a character is to start with the background and personality of someone you know (including yourself) and change aspects of them to make them different. But be careful of making a character purely good or purely evil. I think a believable character possesses both tendencies, it's just that one is more dominant than the other. Do you have a website? I would love to see your paintings.

Sharvonique Studios

Animated By Sharvonique Blog

AWN Showcase Gallery


Thanks Sharvonique

for your interesting reply, you obviously know your stuff. I haven't got a website as such but I should be on a couple of websites in the future I'll let you know when.

I'll definatly try out your suggestions it sounds like fun.

I'm working on a series of paintings at the moment, which I think will be the inspiration for my first animation. It's quite straight forward subject of glimpses of cats, like their ears or a leg and making their character come through with just a hint of their personalities.
I don't want to make it a story as such more of a series of events that show how the cat in your life is like in the background. I think it will be quite funny.

I've discovered by producing the drawings how leaving alot out, leaves alot to the imagination and makes you sympathize with the cat

Do you do that at all? like have things going on off stage? or generally conceal things from the audience?


load time

im on a 300k modem and it took about a minute and a half :)

Thanks issy! You made my day. :p

Your current project sounds interesting, and I'll look out for those website links. I do leave stuff out and conceal things from the audience sometimes. But you don't want to leave out too much because you don't want your audience to become lost or confused. Otherwise, they will more than likely loose interest.

Gee whiz brent008, over a minute?! That's not good. Thanks for letting me know.

Sharvonique Studios

Animated By Sharvonique Blog

AWN Showcase Gallery