Ok I want to know the pors and cons about the art institutes, from ONLY people that have attended any on of the art institutes! Im asking if you feel for example that they didnt push you to strive for perfection or push you to do your best. Do they just say "Oh you did the assignment, heres your grade" type thing, with no critique. That kind of thing. I need to know! BE HONEST. Tell me WHY you liked or disliked.
-Robert Fiermonte
PS tell me what you liked or disliked about ringling as well!
A picture is worth a thousand words. Here are two thousand:
I teach at Art Institute in Vancouver, BC.
Allow me to be somewhat blunt and offer that if the student doesn't push themselves, then there's nothing the staff or school can do to foster excellence within that student.
Also allow me to say that students in these schools today have it easy as heck, over the previous generation that did not have such schools. I learned how to cartoon and animate on my own and on the job....in a learning environment with few books on the subject and even fewer schools.
There's a great lesson there: that if a lot of folks, like myself, can learn how to do this kind of stuff in that kind of largely-vacant environment, then all the books and schools now should make it a helluva lot easier.
( of course not)
"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)
AIS example ...
I went to the Art Institute of Seattle and got the associate's in computer animation. Then the bubble burst and I am still looking for a solid animation gig.
About the school. I learned alot there, but I wish I had a different 2D animation teacher. The one we had was retiring that quarter and he was an old burnt out Ex-Scooby-Doo animator and he hated his job, and he hated scooby doo. Consiquently, it was difficult to learn from him but he did teach the absolute basics like head turns and walk cycles. He just didn't let us be creative at all, then after he quit and the new teacher was in the new instructor let the students be creative and I wished I could've retaken the class. That was a matte of one individual though, not the school as a whole.
I think AIS did and OK job in teaching animation. At my time Jurassic Park and Toy Story was all the rage and gaming. So they kind of neglected the 2D Animation teaching aspects. They did manage to place me in my first job. Then that job blew away and I was on my own - still am for that matter.
Hmm, an Istitute like AIS will give you a shorthand way of getting out there. I looked into more formal univercities and they didn't really teach specificaly what I was aiming for so i went to AIS. Although I will say that a place like AIS is overpriced. Now I've got a huge loan and no real animation career ... go figure.
Pick what you want. Universities teach a more broad range of subjects and most don't really have a solid animation study. The Institutes will cut out most of the fluff anf crap courses and get to the meat of teaching animation in a 2 to 4 years time.
Tuam libera mentem - Free your mind
For the sake of content...What constitutes fluff and crap?
Even though I wouldn't agree, I think Tibby101's 'fluff and crap' reference may be liberal arts credits which would be required as part of a 4-year, BFA program, the 'meat and potatoes' being the studio/tech courses. :)
I was only curious because from a fluffer and crapper standpoint, it is the only thing about a university pitch that flies (ie "well-roundedness"). You can't learn some stuff anywhere else, and if I have one less head-turn class in lieu of something that takes visualization or composition another level deeper, I won't be losing sleep. Many people are technically proficient but don't have the creativity to make their animations stand out.