To Richard o Conner, nice post.If the facts (i.e. dead on PROOF, not conjecture of motives, ect..)are there, then bring it, cant argue with you there.I actually dont agree with Bush totally (he seems to support outsourcing among other things that take jobs out of Americans hands!I was laid off in Sept. and my job went to India.Fact confirmed by my former fellow employees who are still there..) I just find it Ironic that a single man can shoulder the blame for the evil of the whole world.If a bug hits your windshield there a moron out there with an idea that somehow, someway it was Dubyas fault!(in extreme sarcasm mode here!)Its one big global dogpile and frankly if I were him; I'd quit!"Here, take it if you think you can do better!"The guy cant be the extreme Moron and the evil genius all wrapped up in one, its just not possible.
p.s. have i read your work somewhere before?That name sounds familar???Also Ironic that you mentioned Jack Ruby as well?On my mothers side of the family we are related! (so Im told!) AND on my Fathers side my grandpa did extensive research and supposedly found we are descendants of Santa Anna.My grandfathers name was also Tony Lopez (Santa Annas' name full name was Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna)Remeber the Alamo!
Bugs on the windshield I can handle. Unprovoked bull$#!t wars I can't.
An evil genius gets away with his crimes. Bush is more like an evil moron, or maybe simply a charismatic dumb-ass who knows how to hire a bunch of evil quasi-geniuses (genius wannabees): Rove, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Ashcroft. Have we so soon forgotten a certain actor-turned-president moron who hired a bunch of lunatics to sponsor wars and terrorist organizations?
Tom Tomorrow summed up this phenomenon pretty well:
Hmmm..ahhh..ok, one mans conspiracy is another mans gospel I suppose... Saddam - AQ Link?
Iraqi official at 9-11 plot meeting
U.S. finds documents tying Saddam's man to al-Qaida
Posted: May 27, 2004
1:52 p.m. Eastern
Recently translated documents captured by U.S. forces provide new evidence of a direct link between Saddam Hussein's regime and the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States.
Rosters of officers in Saddam's Fedayeen list Lt. Col. Ahmed Hikmat Shakir, who was present at the January 2000 al-Qaida "summit" in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, at which the 9-11 attacks were planned, the Wall Street Journal reports.
The Fedayeen was the elite paramilitary group run by Saddam's son Uday, which was deployed to do much of the regime's dirty work.
The U.S. has never been sure Shakir was at the Kuala Lumpur meeting on behalf of Saddam's regime or whether he was an Iraqi Islamist on his own, the Journal notes.
The paper cautions, however, it is possible the Shakir listed on the rosters is not the Iraqi of the same name with proven al-Qaida connections.
But sources tell the Journal the authenticity of the three Fedayeen rosters is not in question. Coalition forces have found millions of documents that still are being sorted, translated and absorbed, the paper said.
Reported accounts of the al-Qaida planning summit said Shakir had a job at the Kuala Lumpur airport he obtained through an Iraqi intelligence agent at the Iraqi embassy.
Among the al-Qaida operatives in attendance were the two who flew American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon – Khalid al Midhar and Nawaz al Hamzi – and Ramzi bin al Shibh, the operational planner of the 9-11 attacks.
Also in attendance was Tawfiz al Atash, a high-ranking Osama bin Laden lieutenant and mastermind of the USS Cole bombing.
Shakir left Malaysia four days after the summit finished, Jan. 13, 2000, then turned up in Qatar, where he was arrested Sept. 17, 2001, four days after the attacks.
A search uncovered phone numbers of the 1993 World Trade Center bombers' safe houses and contacts and information related to a 1995 al-Qaida plot to blow up a dozen commercial airliners over the Pacific.
But Shakir, inexplicably, was released after a brief detention and flew to Amman, Jordan, where he was arrested again. The Jordanians released him, however, with the OK of the CIA, after pressure from the Iraqis and Amensty International.
He was last seen returning to Baghdad.
Noting the volume of evidence, the Journal said, "One of the mysteries of postwar Iraq is why the Bush Administration and our $40-billion-a-year intelligence services haven't devoted more resources to probing the links between Saddam's regime and al-Qaida."
The current official U.S. intelligence conclusion is that Saddam's regime was not involved in supporting the Sept. 11 attacks.
A new book by Stephen Hayes of the Weekly Standard, "The Connection," puts together the evidence of Saddam's ties to al-Qaida.
"The Baathists killing U.S. soldiers are clearly working with al-Qaida now," the Journal says. "Saddam's files might show us how they linked up in the first place."
As Geostrategy-Direct reported, new evidence about a meeting in Prague between Sept. 11 plot leader Mohamed Atta and Iraqi intelligence officer Ahmad Khalil Ibrahim Samir al-Ani has been uncovered. If confirmed, the meeting would indicate a role by Saddam's intelligence service in some level of support for the 9-11 plot.
The information supports other journalists who have uncovered a connection between Iraq and al-Qaida, including Jayna Davis, author of "The Third Terrorist: The Middle Eastern Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing."
In her book, Davis suggests the Sept. 11 attacks possibly could have been prevented if evidence of an Iraqi and al-Qaida link to the OKC bombing had been pursued.
Davis writes that in November 1997, Hussain Hashem Al-Hussaini – a former Iraqi Republican Guardsman whom multiple eyewitnesses identified as McVeigh's elusive accomplice, John Doe 2 – confided to his psychiatrist that he was anxious about his airport job because "if something were to happen there, I (Al-Hussaini) would be a suspect." At the time, Al-Hussaini was employed at Boston Logan International Airport, where two of the four 9-11 suicide hijackings originated.
She also reveals court records that suggest one of bombers Timothy McVeigh's and Terry Nichols's accused Middle Eastern handlers had foreknowledge of the 9-11 plot.
In addition, Davis discusses information she first uncovered eight years ago – that Nichols learned the macabre genius of terrorist bomb making under the training of Philippines-based al-Qaida explosives expert Ramzi Yousef, the convicted mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
In February, columnist and author Jonathan Schanzer wrote in the Weekly Standard of his meeting in a Kurdish prison with Abdul Rahman al-Shamari, who claims he worked for a man who was Saddam's envoy to al-Qaida.
In the interview, al-Shamari confirmed he was involved in assisting Ansar al Islam, an al-Qaida affiliate responsible for attacks against Kurdish and Western targets in northern Iraq. Weapons, "mostly mortar rounds," were supplied to the terrorists, the prisoner told Schanzer.
Besides weapons, al-Shamari says, Saddam's secret police, the Mukhabarat, helped the terror group financially "every month or two months."
In December, Geostrategy-Direct reported Iraqi officers interrogated by the United States and coalition officials said Saddam, through Saudi contacts, had invited al-Qaida insurgents to form suicide and other units to stop the U.S. military in March.
Saddam's contacts with al-Qaida, the officers told interrogators, preceded the Sept. 11 attacks. They said Saudi envoys arranged for al-Qaida insurgents to enter Iraq and begin training in camps around Baghdad.
The al-Qaida insurgents were trained at two camps – Nahrawan and Salman Pak – under the supervision of the Fedayeen Saddam.
Officers said the Salman Pak training included ways to hijack airplanes. Training was conducted under the supervision of an unidentified Iraqi general who is currently a police commander. They said many of the al-Qaida insurgents left Iraq after their training stint.
The London Telegraph reported in December the discovery of a secret memo to Saddam that gives details of a visit by Atta to Baghdad just weeks before the 9-11 attacks. Information obtained by Iraq's coalition goverment indicated Atta was trained in Baghdad by Palestinian terrorist Abu Nidal.
"We are uncovering evidence all the time of Saddam's involvement with al-Qaida," said Dr Ayad Allawi, a member of Iraq's ruling seven-man presidential committee, according to the London paper.
"But this is the most compelling piece of evidence that we have found so far," he said. "It shows that not only did Saddam have contacts with al-Qaida, he had contact with those responsible for the September 11 attacks."
In November, the Weekly Standard reported a 16-page top secret government memo to the Senate Intelligence Committee said bin Laden and Saddam had an operational relationship from the early 1990s to 2003 that involved training in explosives and weapons of mass destruction, as well as financial and logistical support, and may have included the bombing of the USS Cole and the Sept. 11 attacks.
Heres a comforting picture for ya!Nah, nothing to see here....Ill read your link if your read mine!?
p.s. How long until we see a self portrait posting by Mrs. Human?????She seems to have an endless supply of those little buggers! is not exactly a reliable or credible source.
Could this new "evidence" be anything like the old "evidence" which got us into this stupid war in the first place? Could it perhaps resemble the B.S. fabricated nonsense which was pushed on us by right-wing chickenhawk organizations like WorldNetDaily and FoxNews to drive us into this insanity?
Only "credible" sources are those posted by yourself?Oh and Tom Tomorrow and Michael Moore, sorry I forgot them.FYI these are very small samples of the many sites I visit, some are pure BS some are not.Its up to each person to sift thru the debris and decide for themselves.I check out Christian, Muslim, Hindu sites,Israeli,Dem sites, "Neocon" sites, Russian, you name it!Its all relative to your perception so..For the record it appears SOME Mustard gas and Sarin have been found eh?Or let me guess, that doesnt count!Or it was planted?Or it is rendered ineffective since its' shelf date expired?Or it wasnt detonated properly?I seem to remember something about a Nuclear centrifuge being found buried in a garden (Granted it takes a TON more of elements like these to make an actual weapon for distribution purposes) But there are many many things like this that remain unexplained?I guess the only opinions that matter to you are those that AGREE with you?How quaint.Pot, meet kettle.....again.....
P.S. Ditch the Fisher Price type kiddo, its a bit tired.
No I was asking you about your posting of a source that you believe to be true or not?You said the New York Post is hardly a credible source?Are you purposely posting links to sites you dont agree with?You question their "credibility" but included it in your list?So Yeah, for some reason the type you post in is like three times larger than everyones elses?On my machine at least and I believe its been mentioned before;Whatever..No comments on the materials found huh?Just Curious--
I must say, this Swankaman is a smart fellow!I think Ive agreed with just about everything you've said up to this point?Well, y know we stereotypical Texans like to stick together so Im with ya!So Fight the Power, Dont mess with Texas and yada yada yada ya'll!
Multiple accounts on most forums is a big no-no. Not sure how the admin. feels about it here.
In my browser, all the forum text appears the same size. Changing the text size in the "reply" dialog has no effect. If you have a problem with it, take it up with the admin. There's nothing I can do about it.
And on to the scandalous movie review: I posted a bunch of reviews, not as a representation of my opinion of a movie I haven't seen, but as a representation of the few available reviews from the popular media. Even if I HAD seen the movie, I would still post reviews that I didn't agree with. Is this so difficult to comprehend? Wasn't it you, after all, who was bragging up and down this thread about how you consider multiple sources, even questionable ones?
Fair enough.Ive actually emailed the admin in advance.(and I think the intent is evident with the "disguised" avatar?)For the record I DID preface my posts with clarification THAT I DIDNT AGREE WITH THOSE SITES (They were posted for your Bush haiting pleasure) I wasnt bragging about anything, just letting you know I try to look at the issues from every angle.Have a good holiday and remember those who gave up their lives for the freedoms we all enjoy.I know my family has served over three generations in the armed forces, including myself.BBQs ready and the beers on ice--Im out.
I'll remember those whose lives were taken so we can enjoy our freedom. And also remember the lives of our soldiers and the lives of the Iraqi civilians whose lives are being taken and whose limbs are being blown off, not for our freedom, but for the hubris of a reckless president.
Hmmm, sounds like you pretty much stay drunk with some of the drivel you post.Noticed you still didnt address a single thing I put forth?AND resorted to a personal attack!?What a surprise!A change in tactics I see; whats next the ignore list?
1.The connection between Saddam and terrorists (maybe, maybe not?anything?)Intresting that Known terrorists were harbored by Saddam eh?
2.Nuclear Centrifuge found (buried in a rose garden)
3.Mustard Gas shell found
4.Sarin Gas shell found
5.The descrepancies in Mr Moores documentery (Bowling for Columbine)
Ill leave it at that for now, but you go ahead and get back to your delusion little world....Go serve a couple of years in the Military and do a service to your country before you go discounting their contributions to the world and their efforts.Wow you finally figured out the type issue?!Theres hope yet!
Hmmm, sounds like you pretty much stay drunk with some of the drivel you post.
"Personal attack"? You mentioned "beers on ice." What else do you use beer for besides getting intoxicated? I apologize if I was presumptive. Maybe you use it to fill water balloons.
Its kind of like a saying, soups on?Just because we say "soups on" (meaning dinners ready) doesnt mean we will be having soup?IS THAT SO DIFFICULT TO COMPREHEND????Maybe the beer was for my guests if it was indeed present?Can people have a beer or two on a national holiday without getting drunk!?For someone who takes everything others say so literally those same rules dont seem to apply when you are speaking do they?still no input on the questions I see.....
Hey, don't take me so literally! "I apologize" is just an expression. Just as "beer's on ice" often means that you're drinking milk or eating pie, "I apologize" doesn't necessarily have anything to do with a real apology. It could mean I'm putting another CD on or I'm off to the hardware store.
As for the questions you keep harping on, yes, they're questions, unanswered questions, theories, and hearsay that we can speculate on. They certainly aren't reasons for going to war.
sure, ok....I knew you were not REALLY Apologizing, its never been your style to admit the possibility of fault whatsoever.
p.s. Have you heard of non-alcoholic beer?It doesnt get ya drunk.Some people just LIKE the taste of beer; Imagine that!Like me, i love the smell of a good cigar but cant smoke one without turning green!
I think we BOTH knew I wasn't really apologizing. It was obviously just a sarcastic remark. :p
I highly doubt that you'll find a link or article that convinces me that it was necessary for us to go to war with Iraq. We were told that war was necessary because Saddam was going to give WMDs to terrorists who were going to use them on U.S. targets, but there's no evidence of such a plot. If we buy into it this time, another corrupt administration will come along and sucker us into believing that Jordan or Syria want to give weapons to terrorists so we must also bomb the crap out of THEIR neighborhoods.
"I highly doubt that you'll find a link or article that convinces me that it was necessary for us to go to war with Iraq"--You mind is and already has been made up.Mine however is not, still looking at everything and TRYING to figure it out.Well i gotta go, the grill really is ready and Ive got Tandoori and Jerk Chicken, and some good ol fashioned ribs to get too.Me and my O douls! (Yeah riiiiiight...)peace anyway,
Nah actually a few things I say COULD be true just by the law of averages no?Darn that food channel!God Save the Queen though, tell her we said "Howdy Ya'll!"One other thing you should remember, Im from Texas, born and raised (Hyuk, Hyuk!).Dubya was my Governor for 6 years; he's had more time to brainwash us!Whatever he says we respond with "Yes, Master...." and follow along in a zombie-like stupor!
BLEAH!!! Tandoori Murgh!!!! Actually, that is probably the ONLY Indian food I can still probably eat. Haven't tried though, since I left... that place...
"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon
To Richard o Conner, nice post.If the facts (i.e. dead on PROOF, not conjecture of motives, ect..)are there, then bring it, cant argue with you there.I actually dont agree with Bush totally (he seems to support outsourcing among other things that take jobs out of Americans hands!I was laid off in Sept. and my job went to India.Fact confirmed by my former fellow employees who are still there..) I just find it Ironic that a single man can shoulder the blame for the evil of the whole world.If a bug hits your windshield there a moron out there with an idea that somehow, someway it was Dubyas fault!(in extreme sarcasm mode here!)Its one big global dogpile and frankly if I were him; I'd quit!"Here, take it if you think you can do better!"The guy cant be the extreme Moron and the evil genius all wrapped up in one, its just not possible.
p.s. have i read your work somewhere before?That name sounds familar???Also Ironic that you mentioned Jack Ruby as well?On my mothers side of the family we are related! (so Im told!) AND on my Fathers side my grandpa did extensive research and supposedly found we are descendants of Santa Anna.My grandfathers name was also Tony Lopez (Santa Annas' name full name was Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna)Remeber the Alamo!
Remember the Alamo I meant...Sometimes my fingers cant catch up!
Bugs on the windshield I can handle. Unprovoked bull$#!t wars I can't.
An evil genius gets away with his crimes. Bush is more like an evil moron, or maybe simply a charismatic dumb-ass who knows how to hire a bunch of evil quasi-geniuses (genius wannabees): Rove, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Ashcroft. Have we so soon forgotten a certain actor-turned-president moron who hired a bunch of lunatics to sponsor wars and terrorist organizations?
Tom Tomorrow summed up this phenomenon pretty well:
Hmmm..ahhh..ok, one mans conspiracy is another mans gospel I suppose...
Saddam - AQ Link?
Iraqi official at 9-11 plot meeting
U.S. finds documents tying Saddam's man to al-Qaida
Posted: May 27, 2004
1:52 p.m. Eastern
© 2004
Recently translated documents captured by U.S. forces provide new evidence of a direct link between Saddam Hussein's regime and the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States.
Rosters of officers in Saddam's Fedayeen list Lt. Col. Ahmed Hikmat Shakir, who was present at the January 2000 al-Qaida "summit" in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, at which the 9-11 attacks were planned, the Wall Street Journal reports.
The Fedayeen was the elite paramilitary group run by Saddam's son Uday, which was deployed to do much of the regime's dirty work.
The U.S. has never been sure Shakir was at the Kuala Lumpur meeting on behalf of Saddam's regime or whether he was an Iraqi Islamist on his own, the Journal notes.
The paper cautions, however, it is possible the Shakir listed on the rosters is not the Iraqi of the same name with proven al-Qaida connections.
But sources tell the Journal the authenticity of the three Fedayeen rosters is not in question. Coalition forces have found millions of documents that still are being sorted, translated and absorbed, the paper said.
Reported accounts of the al-Qaida planning summit said Shakir had a job at the Kuala Lumpur airport he obtained through an Iraqi intelligence agent at the Iraqi embassy.
Among the al-Qaida operatives in attendance were the two who flew American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon – Khalid al Midhar and Nawaz al Hamzi – and Ramzi bin al Shibh, the operational planner of the 9-11 attacks.
Also in attendance was Tawfiz al Atash, a high-ranking Osama bin Laden lieutenant and mastermind of the USS Cole bombing.
Shakir left Malaysia four days after the summit finished, Jan. 13, 2000, then turned up in Qatar, where he was arrested Sept. 17, 2001, four days after the attacks.
A search uncovered phone numbers of the 1993 World Trade Center bombers' safe houses and contacts and information related to a 1995 al-Qaida plot to blow up a dozen commercial airliners over the Pacific.
But Shakir, inexplicably, was released after a brief detention and flew to Amman, Jordan, where he was arrested again. The Jordanians released him, however, with the OK of the CIA, after pressure from the Iraqis and Amensty International.
He was last seen returning to Baghdad.
Noting the volume of evidence, the Journal said, "One of the mysteries of postwar Iraq is why the Bush Administration and our $40-billion-a-year intelligence services haven't devoted more resources to probing the links between Saddam's regime and al-Qaida."
The current official U.S. intelligence conclusion is that Saddam's regime was not involved in supporting the Sept. 11 attacks.
A new book by Stephen Hayes of the Weekly Standard, "The Connection," puts together the evidence of Saddam's ties to al-Qaida.
"The Baathists killing U.S. soldiers are clearly working with al-Qaida now," the Journal says. "Saddam's files might show us how they linked up in the first place."
As Geostrategy-Direct reported, new evidence about a meeting in Prague between Sept. 11 plot leader Mohamed Atta and Iraqi intelligence officer Ahmad Khalil Ibrahim Samir al-Ani has been uncovered. If confirmed, the meeting would indicate a role by Saddam's intelligence service in some level of support for the 9-11 plot.
The information supports other journalists who have uncovered a connection between Iraq and al-Qaida, including Jayna Davis, author of "The Third Terrorist: The Middle Eastern Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing."
In her book, Davis suggests the Sept. 11 attacks possibly could have been prevented if evidence of an Iraqi and al-Qaida link to the OKC bombing had been pursued.
Davis writes that in November 1997, Hussain Hashem Al-Hussaini – a former Iraqi Republican Guardsman whom multiple eyewitnesses identified as McVeigh's elusive accomplice, John Doe 2 – confided to his psychiatrist that he was anxious about his airport job because "if something were to happen there, I (Al-Hussaini) would be a suspect." At the time, Al-Hussaini was employed at Boston Logan International Airport, where two of the four 9-11 suicide hijackings originated.
She also reveals court records that suggest one of bombers Timothy McVeigh's and Terry Nichols's accused Middle Eastern handlers had foreknowledge of the 9-11 plot.
In addition, Davis discusses information she first uncovered eight years ago – that Nichols learned the macabre genius of terrorist bomb making under the training of Philippines-based al-Qaida explosives expert Ramzi Yousef, the convicted mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
In February, columnist and author Jonathan Schanzer wrote in the Weekly Standard of his meeting in a Kurdish prison with Abdul Rahman al-Shamari, who claims he worked for a man who was Saddam's envoy to al-Qaida.
In the interview, al-Shamari confirmed he was involved in assisting Ansar al Islam, an al-Qaida affiliate responsible for attacks against Kurdish and Western targets in northern Iraq. Weapons, "mostly mortar rounds," were supplied to the terrorists, the prisoner told Schanzer.
Besides weapons, al-Shamari says, Saddam's secret police, the Mukhabarat, helped the terror group financially "every month or two months."
In December, Geostrategy-Direct reported Iraqi officers interrogated by the United States and coalition officials said Saddam, through Saudi contacts, had invited al-Qaida insurgents to form suicide and other units to stop the U.S. military in March.
Saddam's contacts with al-Qaida, the officers told interrogators, preceded the Sept. 11 attacks. They said Saudi envoys arranged for al-Qaida insurgents to enter Iraq and begin training in camps around Baghdad.
The al-Qaida insurgents were trained at two camps – Nahrawan and Salman Pak – under the supervision of the Fedayeen Saddam.
Officers said the Salman Pak training included ways to hijack airplanes. Training was conducted under the supervision of an unidentified Iraqi general who is currently a police commander. They said many of the al-Qaida insurgents left Iraq after their training stint.
The London Telegraph reported in December the discovery of a secret memo to Saddam that gives details of a visit by Atta to Baghdad just weeks before the 9-11 attacks. Information obtained by Iraq's coalition goverment indicated Atta was trained in Baghdad by Palestinian terrorist Abu Nidal.
"We are uncovering evidence all the time of Saddam's involvement with al-Qaida," said Dr Ayad Allawi, a member of Iraq's ruling seven-man presidential committee, according to the London paper.
"But this is the most compelling piece of evidence that we have found so far," he said. "It shows that not only did Saddam have contacts with al-Qaida, he had contact with those responsible for the September 11 attacks."
In November, the Weekly Standard reported a 16-page top secret government memo to the Senate Intelligence Committee said bin Laden and Saddam had an operational relationship from the early 1990s to 2003 that involved training in explosives and weapons of mass destruction, as well as financial and logistical support, and may have included the bombing of the USS Cole and the Sept. 11 attacks.
Heres a comforting picture for ya!Nah, nothing to see here....Ill read your link if your read mine!?
p.s. How long until we see a self portrait posting by Mrs. Human?????She seems to have an endless supply of those little buggers! is not exactly a reliable or credible source.
Could this new "evidence" be anything like the old "evidence" which got us into this stupid war in the first place? Could it perhaps resemble the B.S. fabricated nonsense which was pushed on us by right-wing chickenhawk organizations like WorldNetDaily and FoxNews to drive us into this insanity?
Only "credible" sources are those posted by yourself?Oh and Tom Tomorrow and Michael Moore, sorry I forgot them.FYI these are very small samples of the many sites I visit, some are pure BS some are not.Its up to each person to sift thru the debris and decide for themselves.I check out Christian, Muslim, Hindu sites,Israeli,Dem sites, "Neocon" sites, Russian, you name it!Its all relative to your perception so..For the record it appears SOME Mustard gas and Sarin have been found eh?Or let me guess, that doesnt count!Or it was planted?Or it is rendered ineffective since its' shelf date expired?Or it wasnt detonated properly?I seem to remember something about a Nuclear centrifuge being found buried in a garden (Granted it takes a TON more of elements like these to make an actual weapon for distribution purposes) But there are many many things like this that remain unexplained?I guess the only opinions that matter to you are those that AGREE with you?How quaint.Pot, meet kettle.....again.....
P.S. Ditch the Fisher Price type kiddo, its a bit tired.
I guess I'll take this opportunity to post this hilarious toon I saw the other day, although not precisely on-topic.
It may not have a distributor yet, but the reviews are out.
-- Jami Bernard, NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
-- Mary Corliss, TIME MAGAZINE
-- J. Hoberman, VILLAGE VOICE
-- Lou Lumenick, NEW YORK POST
-- Todd McCarthy, VARIETY
-- Desson Thomson, WASHINGTON POST
[QUOTE=Harvey Human]It may not have a distributor yet, but the reviews are out.
-- Lou Lumenick, NEW YORK POST
sooooo....Credible or?
You're asking me if a movie review is credible or not? I'll have to see the movie before I know for sure.
Obviously not, or I wouldn't be debating the opinions of others.
Fisher Price type? I don't see it. You must have some fonts loaded that I don't have. All I'm seeing is the default AWN font.
No I was asking you about your posting of a source that you believe to be true or not?You said the New York Post is hardly a credible source?Are you purposely posting links to sites you dont agree with?You question their "credibility" but included it in your list?So Yeah, for some reason the type you post in is like three times larger than everyones elses?On my machine at least and I believe its been mentioned before;Whatever..No comments on the materials found huh?Just Curious--
I must say, this Swankaman is a smart fellow!I think Ive agreed with just about everything you've said up to this point?Well, y know we stereotypical Texans like to stick together so Im with ya!So Fight the Power, Dont mess with Texas and yada yada yada ya'll!
--uhhhhh, do I really have to sign this?--
Multiple accounts on most forums is a big no-no. Not sure how the admin. feels about it here.
In my browser, all the forum text appears the same size. Changing the text size in the "reply" dialog has no effect. If you have a problem with it, take it up with the admin. There's nothing I can do about it.
And on to the scandalous movie review: I posted a bunch of reviews, not as a representation of my opinion of a movie I haven't seen, but as a representation of the few available reviews from the popular media. Even if I HAD seen the movie, I would still post reviews that I didn't agree with. Is this so difficult to comprehend? Wasn't it you, after all, who was bragging up and down this thread about how you consider multiple sources, even questionable ones?
Fair enough.Ive actually emailed the admin in advance.(and I think the intent is evident with the "disguised" avatar?)For the record I DID preface my posts with clarification THAT I DIDNT AGREE WITH THOSE SITES (They were posted for your Bush haiting pleasure) I wasnt bragging about anything, just letting you know I try to look at the issues from every angle.Have a good holiday and remember those who gave up their lives for the freedoms we all enjoy.I know my family has served over three generations in the armed forces, including myself.BBQs ready and the beers on ice--Im out.
I'll remember those whose lives were taken so we can enjoy our freedom. And also remember the lives of our soldiers and the lives of the Iraqi civilians whose lives are being taken and whose limbs are being blown off, not for our freedom, but for the hubris of a reckless president.
Live it up...
Not this weekend. I'm soberly remembering the National Guardsmen who got hoodwinked into bombing Iraqi patriots and civilians.
You go ahead and get drunk though.
Hmmm, sounds like you pretty much stay drunk with some of the drivel you post.Noticed you still didnt address a single thing I put forth?AND resorted to a personal attack!?What a surprise!A change in tactics I see; whats next the ignore list?
1.The connection between Saddam and terrorists (maybe, maybe not?anything?)Intresting that Known terrorists were harbored by Saddam eh?
2.Nuclear Centrifuge found (buried in a rose garden)
3.Mustard Gas shell found
4.Sarin Gas shell found
5.The descrepancies in Mr Moores documentery (Bowling for Columbine)
Ill leave it at that for now, but you go ahead and get back to your delusion little world....Go serve a couple of years in the Military and do a service to your country before you go discounting their contributions to the world and their efforts.Wow you finally figured out the type issue?!Theres hope yet!
"Personal attack"? You mentioned "beers on ice." What else do you use beer for besides getting intoxicated? I apologize if I was presumptive. Maybe you use it to fill water balloons.
Its kind of like a saying, soups on?Just because we say "soups on" (meaning dinners ready) doesnt mean we will be having soup?IS THAT SO DIFFICULT TO COMPREHEND????Maybe the beer was for my guests if it was indeed present?Can people have a beer or two on a national holiday without getting drunk!?For someone who takes everything others say so literally those same rules dont seem to apply when you are speaking do they?still no input on the questions I see.....
Hey, don't take me so literally! "I apologize" is just an expression. Just as "beer's on ice" often means that you're drinking milk or eating pie, "I apologize" doesn't necessarily have anything to do with a real apology. It could mean I'm putting another CD on or I'm off to the hardware store.
As for the questions you keep harping on, yes, they're questions, unanswered questions, theories, and hearsay that we can speculate on. They certainly aren't reasons for going to war.
sure, ok....I knew you were not REALLY Apologizing, its never been your style to admit the possibility of fault whatsoever.
p.s. Have you heard of non-alcoholic beer?It doesnt get ya drunk.Some people just LIKE the taste of beer; Imagine that!Like me, i love the smell of a good cigar but cant smoke one without turning green!
I think we BOTH knew I wasn't really apologizing. It was obviously just a sarcastic remark. :p
I highly doubt that you'll find a link or article that convinces me that it was necessary for us to go to war with Iraq. We were told that war was necessary because Saddam was going to give WMDs to terrorists who were going to use them on U.S. targets, but there's no evidence of such a plot. If we buy into it this time, another corrupt administration will come along and sucker us into believing that Jordan or Syria want to give weapons to terrorists so we must also bomb the crap out of THEIR neighborhoods.
More funnies to make you laugh 'til it hurts ;) :
"I highly doubt that you'll find a link or article that convinces me that it was necessary for us to go to war with Iraq"--You mind is and already has been made up.Mine however is not, still looking at everything and TRYING to figure it out.Well i gotta go, the grill really is ready and Ive got Tandoori and Jerk Chicken, and some good ol fashioned ribs to get too.Me and my O douls! (Yeah riiiiiight...)peace anyway,
That's great news. It means it's possible you'll come around to the light side of the Force. :)
I realize this is just an expression and you're probably not even eating chicken and ribs.
Well, I gotta go eat roast mammoth with the Queen of England. C YA
Nah actually a few things I say COULD be true just by the law of averages no?Darn that food channel!God Save the Queen though, tell her we said "Howdy Ya'll!"One other thing you should remember, Im from Texas, born and raised (Hyuk, Hyuk!).Dubya was my Governor for 6 years; he's had more time to brainwash us!Whatever he says we respond with "Yes, Master...." and follow along in a zombie-like stupor!
Oh yeah one more thing..Remarkable restraint in not commenting on the "Jerk" chicken.Maybe it was just too easy?
I have nothing against chickens, except when they harbor terrorists. Chickenhawks, on the other hand, ...
BLEAH!!! Tandoori Murgh!!!! Actually, that is probably the ONLY Indian food I can still probably eat. Haven't tried though, since I left... that place...
"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon