Ambling Around
Framed: Drawings In Motion
The Drawing Center (in New York) in collaboration with Smart Spaces, the not-for-profit art space that uses vacant store fronts as their roaming venue, is presenting a show of animated shorts called Framed: Drawings In Motion.
Animation's Star Is Rising In the Art World
They're calling it a "paradigm shift in contemporary art", "a new sensibility in the art of our time". Galleries and their curators are starting to notice animation. It's been a long time coming.
Presenting Five More YouTube Play Winners
So you wanna watch movies, eh? (Is my Canadian accent showing?) Well, pull up your potato chips and have a sit down...
What Does Cave Art Have To Do With Animation
Could the paleolithic men and women who created rock wall paintings have been the prehistoric ancestors of current animation artists?
Soundwalkers - A Must Watch
To say that Soundwalkers, a fascinating film by director and sound researcher Raquel Castro, sensitives us to the soundscape of our modern world is to minimize its achievement.
YouTube Play - The Winning Entries Part 1
The YouTube Play winning entries all have at least some form of animation content. Which tells me that animation's star is rising in the art world.
YouTube Play: Corralling Wild Cattle
Since 2005 YouTube has given us a prime venue for quick and dirty moving images. And now the powers that be in the ART world are going to use that forum to judge us filmmakers!