You know you've seen too many films when:
By Janet Blatter.
You know you've seen too many films when:
They all merge into one 10 hour movie...and it makes sense
Instead of being at the Adams Room TAC session, you're sitting at a Canadian Engineer Association meeting...and it makes sense
People begin to look strange, and not just because you've found youself in the midst of Ottawa's annual zombie walk
People seem to be walking at different frame rates
You mistake Purell for Listerine
Inception seems too linear.
My brain is fried.
Janet Blatter is a development consultant,currently writing a book (with Mik Casey) on storyboarding for MWP. Shehas the dubious distinction of having a PhD in cognitive sciencespecializing in how animators solve problems, think about time andspace... Dr. J thinks she has the coolest research gig on earth.
Dan Sarto is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.