These are three sentiments we have all felt at one time or another when it comes to how we may feel about our careers.
These are three sentiments we have all felt at one time or another when it comes to how we may feel about our careers. Recently an executive stated these words upon leaving her high profile job that was not by choice. She was listening to her gut when she knew the job held a dream, a challenge and a headache. You have undoubtedly been in a similar situation at some point in your own career, but what do you do to talk yourself down from the ledge when all you want to do is jump? Are you resigned to working in a less than perfect work environment? Have you given up on your ideals and principles in order to get a paycheck or placate the boss? Do you know who are you anymore and does it matter so long as you still have a job?
If you wonder where you are going and what you may experience along the way, don’t be concerned by the feelings that come up. Knowing how to deal with them and with your self may not be as hard as it seems.
“I’m Glad” … Feeling euphoric about your job, your contributions and the possibilities of all it promises to be whether you are just starting out in your career or climbing your way to yet another big position may fade over time. You may be happy about what you’ve accomplished in your role but when things change for whatever reason, do you feel the same way? You have to be happy with change no matter who is making it, particularly if the change is out of your control. Knowing you can leave a job anytime you want should make you glad about the choices you have available to you and not feel like you are prisoner in your own job cell.
“I’m Sad” …
Mourning the loss and learning to move on whether you’ve lost a job, a promotion, a boss or the possibilities of a future with your current company is an important part of the grieving process. Honoring the feelings that come up around what you are losing might help you to reevaluate your goals and priorities when it comes to choosing your next job. Knowing that you are in control of your feelings as well as your choices may give you some hope that all is not lost. Being sad is not a weak emotion, it tells you that something you once liked or cherished is no longer and it helps you set into motion ways you can look to replace the good that once was with something even better.
“I’m Mad” … “
Don’t’ be sad get mad,” is an expression I grew up with and has sometimes served me well in situations where you can’t control and you simply need to leave. Whether you were unfairly terminated or left a job of your own accord, letting off a little steam when you feel like you’ve been kicked in the pants helps you shed some of the anger around the situation and hopefully allows you to see a clear road ahead. Now I’m not suggesting you start thinking of ways to retaliate, but feeling the anger in a healthy way and understanding what buttons it pushed for you is a way to learn more about what motivates you to succeed from what if anything is standing in your way.
Learning to cope with your own anger, sadness and well being around career may help you better understand what you want and where you want to go in your life. It’s not up to anyone else to make those choices for you, but when you seem to be blowing in the wind of change, acknowledging how you deal with and resolve the emotions that arise, makes you a calmer, competent and more employable candidate.
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