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“I live and die by this book!”

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How to Write for Animation has been the #1 best-selling book on animation writing since it was first published in 2000. You can read what Jeffrey Katzenberg, Stan Lee, Haim Saban, Peter Roth, Nancy Kanter and Andy Heyward have to say about it here. But if you’d like to see some more recent, down-to-earth kudos read on…

Most of scriptwriting books are pretty theoretical. But yours is really down to the earth and can be put to use instantly. And your recommendation to not finish scenes is awesome. Writing for animation is one of the books that count for me and I'm using it pretty often, especially when I have to submit a bible.

Philippe Coenen
Co-Founder/Producer Kiwiwho Productions

Everything I learned about how to write for animation I learned from Jeffrey Scott's “How To Write For Animation”. I am now broke and unemployed and nobody visits my Youtube page. But it's not really his fault. (I think.)

Xeth Feinberg
Pres/CCO Mishmash Media

I bought your book which has been very inspiring to me and has made understanding writing so much easier for me. Thank you for being a creative force and hope someday I have a series for you to work on together.

Peer Lemmers
Principal Animator Guerrilla Games

I bought and devoured your book a long time ago. However, I keep reading it quite frequently, as it's really inspirational. Some people say you can open the I Ching or the Bible and find an answer when in trouble; I open your "How To Write for Animation" book when I'm stuck in terms of creative - best solutions are always there!

Jose Luis Ucha

Jeff, I live and die by this book, it's gotten me gigs and made me look like a pro and gave me a foundation for developing creative that I carry with me today! I still recommend it to other writers and those I mentor. Hope you see the impact your work has on aspiring writers like me!

Mike Tallon
Senior Writer / Fortune Media Group

I wanted to give you a quick message of thanks. About 10 years ago, I read your book. I dreamt of writing for animation—a form of entertainment which had remained an obsession of mine for way longer that it probably should have. Your book filled me with knowledge and confidence. I now hold various television credits for BBC productions here in the U.K. The most recent of which is a live action / puppet / ANIMATION which has been an incredible experience. — Chris Douch

My name is Danielle and I am a student studying screenwriting. I ordered your book off of Amazon last week and have been reading it non-stop. I feel like I have learned way more about writing for animation than my animation instructor at school- sad, huh? I just wanted to drop you a line and say how grateful I am that you've written it, and I will now store it in my bedside table like a bible. Thanks again, one day I will be a famous cartoon series creator and I can thank you for helping me- and, in the process, give a great big "thanks for trying" to my real teachers.

My name is Toron Gams and I have just finished reading your book “How to Write for Animation” twice!  In short, if I was to sum the book up in one sentence it would read - “This book is the Holy Grail for any writer that wishes to master the art of writing for animation.” 

My name is Tania and I'm an animator from the beautiful rainy lands of Wales. Years ago, when I was in university, I bought a copy of your book. It inspired and delighted me. It's acted as my muse for many years, even though I am an animator and not a writer.  It encouraged me to work harder and do things I've always wanted to do, such as move to another country to work on better animations. I have just moved to Australia and I am working at Liquid Animation on Disney shows. I realise you are extremely busy, and this may disappear into the mountains of other letters you receive, but after years of carrying your book around the world I wanted to email and thank you. Thank you for all the inspiration you've given me. Not just through your entertaining and informative book , but from you work. The Muppet Babies was my VHS'd childhood. It was wonderful. I recently returned to them and not only are they still funny, but they've improved over time. 


I'm reading your wonderful book for the second time. It's so clear and encouraging! Thank you for being so generous with your knowledge. — Brian

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