Getting Buzzed - Families are Lucky this Fall

Wild Things and Princess and the Frog show a promising fall movie season for families.

After a week hiatus, the Getting Buzzed column is back. Award season is heating up and we have some family films in this week's countdown that are getting Oscar buzz. We also have George Clooney and Freddy Krueger and God.

Sinking Slowly
Pirate Radio (Nov. 13, 2009)
Richard Curtis' comedy about a pirate radio station run on a boat during the 1960s has been delayed over and over again in the U.S. Previously it was known as THE BOAT THAT ROCKED; now it's PIRATE RADIO. Rumors of recuts aren't supporting a positive case for this once promising release.

Getting Buzzed
9) Red Cliff (Nov. 20, 2009)
The domestic trailer for John Woo's Chinese war epic is out. I've already seen it and it's a good John Woo flick. When it's acting more like BRAVEHEART it's great.

8) Oh My God (Nov. 13, 2009)
Filmmaker Peter Rodger simply went around the world and asked people about their thoughts on God. Includes famous people like Hugh Jackman, Seal, Ringo Starr, Sir Bob Geldof, Princess Michael of Kent, and David Copperfield. It interviews believers and non-believers alike. Sounds interesting.

7) Splice (TBA)
Exec produced by Guillermo del Toro, this horror flick looks at genetic engineers that create fantastic new animal hybrids. With del Toro and stars like Oscar-winner Adrien Brody and DAWN OF THE DEAD's Sarah Polley, this one has me curious. Could be a modern day FRANKENSTEIN or a hokey monster flick, but we'll have to wait and see.

6) A Nightmare on Elm Street (April 30, 2010)
I'm kind of getting tired of horror film remakes, but I'm going to say it… this one deserves a good redux. Wes Craven's original had an ingenious premise, but the film is hampered by some really bad acting. I'm always bugged by the performances every time I watch it. It will be hard to see someone else play Freddy Krueger other than Robert Englund, but when you hire Jackie Earle Haley, you have me excited.

5) The Messenger (Nov. 13, 2009)
Ben Foster and Woody Harrelson play soldiers who deliver the news that a loved one has died. Foster connects with a war widow played by two-time Oscar nominee Samantha Morton. I really like Foster, and Harrelson looks at the top of his game.

4) Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans (Nov. 20, 2009)
This isn't quite a remake of Abel Ferrara's BAD LIEUTENANT, but a re-imagining. That of course didn't stop Ferrara from wishing that director Werner Herzog rot in hell for doing it. Nic Cage stars as a cop who gets addicted to drugs after a back injury. The word out the festivals has been great. Any new Herzog film is worth checking out for sure.

3) Up In the Air (Dec. 25, 2009)
The Oscar buzz only skyrocketed for Jason Reitman's new film after the Toronto Film Festival. George Clooney plays a downsizing expert that likes his solitary life on the road. So he doesn't like it when his company sticks him with an apprentice. Along the way he falls for Vera Farmiga, who I love. My excitement for this one is only gaining.

2) The Princess and the Frog (Nov. 25, 2009)
Every time I talk about Disney's THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG I say that nothing I've seen so far has blown me away. Well that's not true any longer. This featurette about the film's love story is what I've been waiting for. I like what they have done with breaking down and modernizing the princess and prince myths without going into girl power clichés. Now I'm stoked for this one.

1) Where the Wild Things Are (Oct. 16, 2009)
With the release of these five clips from Spike Jonze's WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE, I'm bubbling over with excitement. I can't wait until next Tuesday when I get to see what several people have told me is their favorite film of the year so far. Can 10 slots for Best Picture at the Academy Awards provide enough room for two family films like UP and this one?

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Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks