I can whole-heartedly recommend that animators send their films to this world class festival -- but pay attention because the deadline is drawing near -- 31 January. Hope to see many of you there.
Submission deadline is 31 January 2010.
For detailed information and online submission please visit Animafest official web site www.animafest.hr
World Festival of Animated Film - Animafest Zagreb 2010
20th World Festival of Animated Film - Animafest Zagreb dedicated to short animated films will be held from 01 -06 June 2010 in Zagreb, Croatia.
Animated shorts completed in 2008 or later with a running time of 30 seconds to 30 minutes may be entered into the following competition categories:
- Grand Competition
- Student Competition
- Films for Children Competition
- Commissioned Films (Educational, Commercials, Music Video)
World Festival of Animated Film - ANIMAFEST Zagreb
c/o: Hulahop
Nova Ves 18/3
10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
tel: +385 1 3907074
fax: +385 1 4666443
e-mail: entries@animafest.hr
web: www.animafest.hr