An Interview With Kris Zimmerman On Voice Directing & Timing
Laura Schiff interviews voice director Kris Zimmerman about her approach to nailing down the best performance time after time.
Hearing From The Hercules Celebrities
Disney's Hercules is the record holder for the largest single-season voice cast in the history of TV animation. Let's hear from Kathie Lee Gifford, Jon Favreau, Diedrich Bader, French Stewart, Linda Hamilton and James Woods, why animation really is a whole new world...
Editor's Notebook
The Story Behind Fats & Moe
Screenwriter Annabelle Perrichon and director Jean-Louis Bompoint explain how a couple of zoot suited Jazz players, escaping Big Apple mobsters were brought to life by a French creative team.
SIGGRAPH '99: Where's the Rest of the Zoo?
Jennifer Champagne enjoyed the exhibition booths, the screenings, the TechnOasis and more, but thought the floor seemed a little more sparse than in years gone by...
The Pride of the Pioneers
Kellie-Bea Cooper asks everyone from pioneers to students just what they thought about the new, highly regarded SIGGRAPH documentary. Also features Quicktime video interviews by Diana Cracknell.
Hearing From the Hercules Celebrities
Disney's Hercules is the record holder for the largest single-season voice cast in the history of TV animation. Let's hear from Kathie Lee Gifford, Jon Favreau, Diedrich Bader, French Stewart, Linda Hamilton and James Woods, why animation really is a whole new world...
San Francisco's Cartoon Art Museum
Rod Gilchrist profiles San Francisco's Cartoon Art Museum, which is dedicated to conserving and presenting cartoon art, as well as nurturing art appreciation.
Stepping Backwards to Move Ahead
Some days it seems that there isn't an original idea on TV. The same characters are rehashed and rewarmed repeatedly. However, Martin "Dr. Toon" Goodman, takes a look at how sometimes what's old can become what is new.
On a Desert Island With.... Cartoon Network Creative Executives
A survey of development executives at Cartoon Network, Linda Simensky, Michael Ouweleen, Khaki Jones and Jay Bastian answering the question, "What ten films would you want to have with you if stranded on a desert island?
The Career Coach: Resume Tips
As a recruiter, career coach, and business consultant I have seen literally thousands of resumes. I get three or four a day on a slow day. Here is what bugs me the most...
The QuickDraw Animation Society Celebrates 15 Years
The features of the Quickdraw Animation Society (QAS), a non-profit, artist-run, film production co-op located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, are discussed by long time member Don Filipchuk.
Dinosaurs Never See It Coming: Are the Gatekeepers Clueless?
Buzz Potamkin introduces us to disintermediation, the process of squeezing out the middleman and asks how much longer will the Internet be classified as "new" media before it becomes "the" media.
Editor's Notebook
Creating Computer Animation at Home
Whether you are a student creating reel, a professional who wants to live a life of freelance, or a director of short films, computer animation at home is possible and affordable. Mike Amron explains.
How to Animate the Web
If you want to post animations on the Internet then you need to become familiar with Macromedia Flash. Here Tom Calthrop does the introductions in a very useful "how to."
But Wait! There's More at SIGGRAPH '99
Jennifer Champagne takes us into other venues like papers, panels, Millenium Motels and more to discover what other animated highlights SIGGRAPH `99 has to offer.
Playing Games With Blue
Nick Jr.'s dog Blue has taken pre-schoolers, and their parents, by storm. Judith Cockman reviews three Blue's Clues CD-Rom interactive games: ABC Time Activities, Blue's Birthday Adventure and Blue's 1,2,3 Time Activities.
The Animated Side of Star Wars
Karl Cohen interviews Rob Coleman, the animation director behind all those amazing digital characters in Star Wars: Episode I "The Phantom Menace."
I Screen, You Screen, We All Screen Animation at SIGGRAPH '99
Kellie-Bea Cooper tells us where and when the latest andgreatest films will be screened at SIGGRAPH. From the Art Gallery|technOasis,to the Electronic Theater, to the Animation Screening Rooms and AnimationTheaters, make sure you don't miss one computer generated frame.
Vilppu Drawing Online: Seeing Anatomical Masses
Renowned drawing instructor Glenn Vilppu offers the eigth installment in his bi-monthly Animation World Magazine online drawing course.
The Story of Computer Graphics Set to Open SIGGRAPH
If you want to post animations on the Internet then you need to become familiar with Macromedia Flash. Here Tom Calthrop does the introductions in a very useful "how to."